Johnny Knoxville is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Modern Era.
Johnny Knoxville is classed as a Chaotic Trickster in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version JK
- Era Modern Era
- Superstar Class Trickster
- Ability Style Chaotic
- Superstar Tier S Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- First Game
WWE Champions
- Real Life Profile Johnny Knoxville
The lead star of the MTV classic "jackass" is the third celebrity to join the roster, joining Hall of Famers Snoop Dogg & Mr. T!
From hit TV show Jackass to WWE's own ring, Johnny Knoxville has made a career out of disregarding his common sense and making bad decisions. Don't ever count Johnny Knoxville out, like a mouse trap he'll snap right back!
jack specials: Eye Poke, Reversal, Tip Toe Toss, Slapjack, Groin Kick
jack finishers: Right in the Gutter Ball, Atomic Noogie, Stump Puller
jack tag link: Modern Era