• Women

Wendi Richter '10 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Hall of Fame.

Wendi Richter '10 is classed as a Focused Striker in the game.


Before there was Trish Stratus and Lita, there was 1980's squared circle sensation Wendi Richter. A two-time holder of the Women's Championship, Richter was instrumental in helping to bring about the "Rock 'n' Wrestling Connection" between WWE and the MTV generation. This monumental partnership helped the charismatic Diva pave the way for a generation of female competitors to follow and achieve induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.

SPECIALS: Forearm Club, Arm Drag, Scoop Slam, Arm Wrench Yank, Big Boot, Leg Drop

FINISHER: Powerbomb

TAG LINK: Hall of Fame

Wendi Richter '10 Games Appearances (3)

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