• Legend

George Steele is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the Legends Era.

George Steele is classed as a Aggressive Trickster in the game.


One of the wildest competitors to ever step foot in a WWF ring, George “The Animal” Steele psyched out other WWF Superstars using bizarre behavior and unorthodox techniques. By sticking out his green tongue and eating the turnbuckle pads, George “The Animal” Steele brought a factor of unpredictability to in-ring competition.

SPECIALS: Bodyslam, Shoulderbreaker, Eye Rake, Powerslam, Eye Poke
FINISHERS: Jumping Splash, Bear Hug
TAG LINKS: Legends Era, George "The Animal" Steele & Junkyard Dog
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