Bron Breakker '22 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the NXT brand in the Modern Era.

Bron Breakker '22 is classed as a Aggressive Powerhouse in the game.


Breakker kicked off the 2.0 era of NXT with a bang, pinning championship contender LA Knight in his debut match and putting the locker room on notice. The former Baltimore Ravens fullback brings a powerful mix of strength and intensity to the ring. With his sights locked on the NXT Championship, Breakker boasts a devastating Gorilla Press Powerslam and has already caught the eye of veteran Tommaso Ciampa. The future is bright for Breakker as he looks to steamroll his way to the top and become the standard-bearer of NXT 2.0.

SPECIALS: Scoop Powerslam, Alabama Slam, Frankensteiner, Pop-Up Powerbomb, Turnbuckle Head Slams, Delayed Vertical Suplex

FINISHERS: Side Belly to Belly Suplex, Double Underhook Slam

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, NXT

Bron Breakker '22 Games Appearances (6)

WWE Main Series (3/25)

Other Games (3)

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