Big Boss Man is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the New Generation.
Big Boss Man is classed as a Aggressive Striker in the game.
- Gender Male
- Roster Legend
- Nickname / Version Hard Times
- Era New Generation
- Superstar Class Striker
- Ability Style Aggressive
- Superstar Tier C Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 1
- First Game
WWF Superstars (1989)
- Real Life Profile Big Boss Man
By dedicating his career to becoming WWF’s solo enforcer of justice, this former prison guard from Cobb County, Georgia brought law and order to the squared circle. Often wielding his trusty nightstick and handcuffs, Big Boss Man taught one lesson: When you fight the law, the law wins!
SPECIALS: Sidewalk Slam, Back Body Drop, Backbreaker, Scoop Slam, Big Boot, Canadian Shoulderbreaker, Powerbomb
FINISHER: Boss Man Slam
TAG LINK: New Generation