AJ Styles '17 (Zombie) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Modern Era.
AJ Styles '17 (Zombie) is classed as a Chaotic Showboat in the game.
- Gender Male
- Roster WWE Superstar
- Nickname / Version The Possessed One
- Era Modern Era
- Superstar Class Showboat
- Ability Style Chaotic
- Superstar Tier C Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- Alt. Character
AJ StylesAJ Styles '16AJ Styles '17 (Zombie)
- Main Series Debut
WWE 2K17
- First Game
- Real Life Profile AJ Styles
Based off of his WWE Zombies action figure in 2017.
The once Phenomenal AJ Styles has been mutated by some unknown force into something far less natural. The former champion's thirst for victory has transformed into a hunger for the living with an unyielding will to match. Anyone caught in the path of the now Supernatural AJ Styles, better have a cure in hand.
SPECIALS: Super Frankensteiner, Groaning Lariat Combo, Back From The Dead, Rotting Spine Breaker, Possessed Pele Kick, Tornado Z-DT
FINISHERS: Rancid Calf Crusher, Possessed Clash
TAG LINKS: Modern Era, Zombies, Zombies 2017-2018, Zombies 2017, WrestleMania 35, WrestleMania 36