August 11th, 2010: SummerSlam is right around the corner and in the PPV weekend tons of new information, screenshots and videos of SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will be released. But for those that can't contain their excitement for the game and can't wait till SummerSlam, well, here's a little taste of info for you with a back and forth interview with Game Producer Bryan Williams!
SDH: Thank you Bryan for accepting this interview, it's a pleasure. We saw the great improvements you guys showed at E3. The enhanced gameplay looks great and the new object collisions are awesome. I want to ask you something that t I feel it's very important: will we be able to choose the Ladder finisher for current superstars and caws in Create-A-Moveset Mode?
Bryan: Yes, you’ll be able to freely edit ladder finishing moves in Create A Move-Set.
SDH: How the Table Match is going to work since tables can break with any move now?
Bryan: The Table match will work as you’d expect it to however, tables won’t break until you’ve inflicted enough damage on your opponent. If you attempt to put a healthy opponent through a table the table will react to the physical contact (via dynamic physics) but instead of breaking one side or all of the table legs will collapse. Once sufficient damage has been inflicted, that next Powerbomb you attempt on your opponent will leave them laying in a bed of splinters. We’ve been hyping the TLC match (with good reason) but my favorite match type this year is the Table match. I can’t stop playing ‘em! They are so much fun.
SDH: Last year we got an enhanced Royal Rumble. This year we are getting enhanced TLC. Which is awesome. But if there's a match that really needs an enhancement that's without a shadow of a doubt the Hell In A Cell... is it bigger this year? Weapons... are we finally getting them? An HIAC without objects just doesn't feel right... Especially with the new physic, this year it would be awesome.
Bryan: I agree with you 100%. Let’s talk after SummerSlam.
SDH: Something fans are waiting for a long time is the interconnectivity between Ring and Backstage in the Falls Count Anywhere Match. Will we finally get it this year?
Bryan: I know fans will be disappointed by this answer but hey, I might as well get the bad news out of the way. Interconnectivity between the ring and backstage environment will not be included in SmackDown Vs. RAW 2011. Believe me, fans aren’t the only ones that would love to see this functionality included. I’m a huge proponent of this feature as are my co-workers. Although this won’t be included in this year’s title this is a feature that we continue to evaluate for future versions of SmackDown vs RAW. We want to make sure that when we do deliver it, we will be confident in delivering every aspect of the feature to its highest quality.
SDH: Why have weight restrictions been taken out of the game? With the SVR series focusing on realism every year that goes by, how can such an important thing when it comes to realism not being included?
Bryan: I hear you. I would love to implement a more realistic weight detection system. Stay tuned.
SDH: One thing fans didn't really like from 2010 was the reversal system. There's an old saying.. Why fix it if it's not broken? The purpose of reversing was showing skills by guessing if the opponent was going for a strike, a grapple or a finisher. With one button it ends up being a matter of luck or button mashing, despite the small window. And this is not just my opinion, but the majority of the online community feel that way. Is it the same as 2010 this year?
Bryan: You know, I would have to disagree with you on this one. I’ve received and heard a lot of complimentary things regarding the one button reversal system. I actually think that there was more luck involved in the two button system than the one button system. With that said, we take your feedback seriously and we will continue to assess our control scheme and reversal system each year to make sure the fans find it competitive, intuitive and fun.
SDH: Quick question. Minitrons. And I mean specific minitrons for each wrestler (the lighting for 'Taker, HLR logo for Cena and so on). They weren't in in the E3 demo, but a Tank post over IGN board had the web buzzing. Are they going to be in the final game?
Bryan: Yes, minitrons will be included. Finally!
SDH: Into the CAW mode now... We saw that point system is still in, but are 3D objects going to cost the same amount of points as last year or less? The long-awaited 64 layers for PS3 are becoming reality?
Bryan: Points have been adjusted for 3D parts. They won’t be as costly as they were in SmackDown Vs. RAW 2010.
SDH: Final question. Speaking of SvR 2010, the main issue was without a shadow of a doubt the online. I have to personally admit you did a good job removing most of the glitches (even though adding Golderg Spear and Gore as regular moves was a craziness! I guess online cheaters loved you for that...), but 2010 online was basically unplayable because of the lag/delay. I remember Ledesma, last year, saying "Online lag will be reduced in 2010" and we all know that the opposite thing happened. Can you guarantee that this year we'll finally have this big issue fixed? I think I can speak for everyone when I say that having a perfect 4 players online would be preferable to a 6 players online affected by lag problems.
Bryan: The multiplayer aspect of the online experience in SmackDown Vs. RAW 2010 was most certainly not the quality we envisioned when we set out. Believe me when I tell you that, outside of Community Creations, the Design Team was not happy with how much lag and latency the user experienced in the end product. Can I guarantee a lag free online experience for SmackDown Vs. RAW 2011? As much as I’d love to make that guarantee to you and everyone else reading this, I can’t. I don’t think any game developer can make such a guarantee as there are simply way too many factors and conditions associated with online gameplay. However, with all that said, our primary focus for SmackDown Vs. RAW 2011 (in terms of our online component) has been on improving lag in order to make playing online comparable to that of playing offline. I recently played an online match with some members of our team and I can honestly say that I’ve experienced some of the best online matches ever for this series. We are fully aware of the issues and are doing everything that we can to offer players a rich and rewarding online gameplay experience.
SDH: Awesome. Well thanks a lot for your time Bryan, and we hope we can get another Q&A with you in the future.
Just wanted to make one thing clear. Be aware that if there are not BIG information here, it's because we COULDN'T get them, not because we didn't want to or because "The dumb ass asking the questions will probably just ask about stuff we already know" like I read somewhere. I personally thank Bryan, Tank, Cory and THQ in general for letting us having this little Q&A for our site and you all should too. If you are so impatient for info.. don't worry, SummerSlam is around the corner!