Q: Will weight detection return in SVR 2011?

A: Unfortunately, no. I would love to integrate a weight detection system into gameplay as it would add another wrinkle of authenticity to the gaming experience. If what we’re striving for is an authentic replication of the sport, implementing a compelling weight detection system is an absolute must. However, with all that said, I don’t think the absence of weight detection in this year’s title (SmackDown Vs. Raw 2011) makes the game any less fun. Even without weight detection, I stand firmly behind SmackDown Vs. Raw 2011 and what it has to offer (which is a damn fun time!).

Q: Now that ECW is officially dead do they have any presence in this year’s game? If not does NXT take its place?

A: Yeah, remnants of ECW will be included within the game. As far as NXT goes, I gotta throwout the ‘no comment’ line, lol.

Q: What new submission moves have been made Struggle Submission this year?

A: The Ankle Lock has been converted into a Struggle Submission. I can’t name any others because they’re so closely tied to the Superstars that use them (if I let slip guys on the roster or DLC I’ll suffer the wrath of our PR rep).

Q: Will create a sign ever happen in this series, or is it just too risky?

A: You’ll actually be able to create signs in this year’s title. You’ll be able to apply images created in Paint Tool onto sign boards for both created Superstars and the default WWE Superstars.

Q: Any new reversal animations this year?

A: Yes, there are! There are quite a few actually. One of the things that I really wanted to do with reversals this year was to better tie the reversal/counter animation to the type of attack being performed. In SVR10, a lot of the reversal animations didn’t mesh well with the type of attack being performed. For example, the defender would counter a running calf kick into a drop toe hold which looked absolutely ridiculous because the airborne attacker would suddenly and very awkwardly make the transition into the drop toe hold animation. You’ll be seeing a lot less (hopefully none) of these issues in SVR11. You’ll be seeing a lot less of the non-attack type reversal animations and more actual counter grapple/strike attacks. I’ll give you guys another example of what I’m talking about:

Let’s say Chris Jericho is attempting to hit Randy Orton with a clothesline. If Orton is successful in his reversal attempt, rather than duck or move out of the way, Orton will be able to counter Jericho’s clothesline into a snap Powerslam (as he is likely to do in an actual match).

Q: Has any thought been put into DLC Move Sets for the series?

A: I personally think it’s a great idea. Hell, I’d buy DLC move-sets! Who wouldn’t like to be able to add to the moves found within Create A Move-Set? I think it makes a ton of sense.

Q: How many wrestlers will have alternate attires this year?

A: I’d rather not say an actual number but there will be alternate attires in the game.

Q: How many new animations have been added to create a finisher this year? What is the new position?

A: We’ve added about 30% new animations to the Front and Top Rope position. In SmackDown Vs. Raw 2011 you’ll be able to create moves from out of the corner position (Avalanche and “Super” type moves) and we’ve supported the new position with approximately 500 new animations.

Q: Any change to the way the call names of your created wrestler is handled this year?

A: No significant change has been made to the system but the number of call names has been increased and a lot of new names have been added. Whereas SmackDown Vs. Raw 2010 contained 48 call names this year’s title will support 84.

Q: How many new parts and patterns will we see added into CAW this year?

A: I don’t have an exact number but we’ve added more than 130 new parts and a handful of new patterns.

Q: Any chance of being able to upload paint tool creations this year, as some people are really good at it, and well…some people suck! lol

A: Yes, you’ll be able to upload and download Paint Tool created images.

Q: Has John Morrisons Starship Pain been fixed/reanimated?

A: You’re trying to trick me! Answering this would confirm whether Morrison is in the game or not, ask me after the roster reveal.

Q: Can we give specific post match celebrations to our CAWs this year?

A: Unfortunately, no. This is definitely a great idea for the future however.

Q: Any new abilities added to the game this year?

A: The Leverage Pin is a new ability in this year’s game and one of my favorites.

Q: Has any thought been put into doing a non-voice over story mode? I think people remember HCTP so fondly was because of the single player replay value of the story mode being able to use anyone, change up the roster brands however you wanted and mix things up everytime you played.

A: I so want to do this. Having a story mode with VO is alright but at the same time I’m of the opinion that it limits us far more than it helps us. I mean, how important is the VO really? It’s safe to assume that anyone reading this interview or playing the game is most likely watching WWE programming week in and week out. I know I do and I also know that I get my fix of hearing the Superstars speak and cut promos four days out of the week. I don’t have to wait long to hear Randy Orton, John Cena or any other Superstar speak, lol. I absolutely loved the story mode in Here Comes The Pain and it didn’t matter a lick to me that the mode didn’t support Superstar VO. It was fun as hell and as you mentioned in your question above, it offered a ton of replay value. We’ve talked about this internally and it’s a divisive issue; some folks dig VO and others (like myself) aren’t so enamored with it. If we weren’t so dependent on VO we’d be able to do more. That’s my opinion at least and I think the fact that people keep bringing up HCTP validates my point.

Q: Looking back what were in your opinion the main problems in SVR 2010 and have they been addressed this year in SVR 2011?

A: By far it was the online gameplay experience and we are most definitely addressing this for SmackDown Vs. Raw 2011.

Bryan Thank you for your time in answering our questions. You sir are the man. Were looking forward to playing the final and finished product.


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