- Promotion
All Elite Wrestling
- Game Series AEW Games
- Release Date July 15, 2021
- Platforms Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad)
- Publisher AEW Games
- Developer Crystallized Games
Developed by Crystallized Games, AEW Elite GM is the evolution of the GM simulator genre, taking the strategic elements of simulation and fantasy games to create a competitive and engaging space for the wrestling community to take part in.
By incorporating the expanding AEW brand, AEW Elite GM serves as a celebration of wrestling as a whole. Fans take on the role of General Manager, who is responsible for managing a roster of AEW wrestlers, booking matches, and running the show in order to generate revenue, new fans, and effects on wrestlers’ stamina and morale.
Gimmick System in AEW Elite GM
AEW Elite GM features a "Gimmick System", consisting of weapons and items that can be assigned to wrestlers and allow players more control over the outcome of their matches. This can have a major impact on gameplay and match customization.
There are 4 slots for gimmick items with a large library to choose from. Gimmicks include Chairs, Sledgehammers, Thumbtacks, and more.
Dragging and dropping a gimmick on a wrestler will assign it, and affect that wrestler's stats. Some gimmicks will affect the chances that a wrestler has of winning the match or give the wrestler a stat boost. Other gimmicks can affect the popularity of a match as a whole.
Match Types:
- 1 vs 1
- Three-Way
- Tag-Team
- Four-Way
- 3 vs 3
- Six-Way
- 2 vs 2 vs 2
- 3 vs 3 vs 3
- 5 vs 5
AEW Elite GM Roster (132):
- 10
- Aaron Solow
- Abadon
- Adam Page
- Alan Angels
- Alex Reynolds
- Allie
- Angelico
- Anna Jay
- Anthony Bowens
- Austin Gunn
- Bear Boulder
- Bear Bronson
- Big Swole
- Billy Gunn
- The Blade
- Brandi Rhodes
- Brandon Cutler
- Brian Cage
- The Butcher
- Cash Wheeler
- Chris Jericho
- Christian Cage
- Christopher Daniels
- Chuck Taylor
- Cody Rhodes
- Colt Cabana
- Colten Gunn
- Dante Martin
- Darby Allin
- Darius Martin
- Dax Harwood
- Diamante
- Dr. Britt Baker DMD
- Dustin Rhodes
- Eddie Kingston
- Emi Sakura
- Ethan Page
- Evil Uno
- Frankie Kazarian
- Griff Garrison
- Hikaru Shida
- Isiah Kassady
- Jack Evans
- Jade Cargill
- Jake Hager
- Joey Janela
- John Silver
- Jon Moxley
- Jungle Boy
- Kenny Omega
- Kip Sabian
- Kris Statlander
- Lance Archer
- Lee Johnson
- Leva Bates
- Leyla Hirsch
- Luchasaurus
- Luther
- Marko Stunt
- Marq Quen
- Matt Hardy
- Matt Jackson
- Matt Sydal
- Max Caster
- Michael Nakazawa
- Miro
- Mr. Brodie Lee
- Nick Comoroto
- Nick Jackson
- Nyla Rose
- Orange Cassidy
- Ortiz
- Pac
- Penelope Ford
- Penta El Zero M
- Peter Avalon
- QT Marshall
- Red Velvet
- Rey Fenix
- Ricky Starks
- Riho
- Ryo Mizunami
- Sammy Guevara
- Santana
- Scorpio Sky
- Serena Deeb
- Serpentico
- Shawn Spears
- Sonny Kiss
- Sting
- Stu Grayson
- Tay Conti
- Trent?
- Wardlow
- Will Hobbs
- Yuka Sakazaki
Update 1.1.0 Additions
- Andrade El Idolo
- Anthony Ogogo
- Brian Pillman Jr.
- Cezar Bononi
- CM Punk
- JD Drake
- Julia Hart
- Malakai Black
- Negative 1
- Ryan Nemeth
- Shawn Dean
- Thunder Rosa
- Wheeler Yuta
Update 1.2.0 Additions
- Adam Cole
- Bryan Danielson
- Daniel Garcia
- Fuego Del Sol
- Jeff Parker
- Kiera Hogan
- Matt Lee
- Paul Wight
- Ruby Soho
Update 1.3.0 Additions
- Bobby Fish
- Fuego 2
- Jamie Hayter
- Lee Moriarty
- Lio Rush
- Rebel
- Skye Blue
April 4th Update Additions
- Jay Lethal
- Jeff Hardy
- Keith Lee
- Kyle O'Reilly
- Alex Marvez
- Doc Sampson
- Excalibur
- Taz
- Tony Schaivone