ROH Main Event Spectacles was a Special Event produced by Ring of Honor, which took place on November 1, 2003 , at the Rex Plex in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
The event had an attendance of 800 fans. The main event of the show was AJ Styles vs. Bryan Danielson.
Below you can find the full match card and results of ROH Main Event Spectacles, and more information about the event.
Event Info
- Event Name ROH Main Event Spectacles
- Promotion
Ring of Honor
- Event Type Special Event
- Country
United States
- Location Elizabeth, New Jersey
- Event Date November 1, 2003
- Year 2003
- Arena Rex Plex
- Network DVD Tape
- Attendance 800
- Running Time 3 hours
- Main Event AJ Styles vs. Bryan Danielson
ROH Main Event Spectacles Results
Field of Honor - Block B
Dan Maff [2] defeats Colt Cabana [2] - Nigel McGuinness & Xavier defeat The Purists (John Walters & Tony Mamaluke)
- Matt Stryker defeats Justin Credible
ROH Tag Team Championship
The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) defeat Special K (Dixie & Izzy) (c) to win the titles - Homicide defeats BJ Whitmer
5-Way Tag Team Scramble Cage Match
The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid) defeat Special K (Angel Dust & Hydro), The Carnage Crew (Tony DeVito & HC Loc), The Next Generation Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & Jack Evans) and The SAT (Joel & Jose Maximo) -
Four Corner Survival Match
CM Punk and Steve Corino defeat Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe -
#1 Contender (ROH World Championship) Trophy
AJ Styles defeats Bryan Danielson