ROH Field of Honor 2015 was a Special Event produced by Ring of Honor, which took place on August 22, 2015 , at the MCU Park in Brooklyn, New York.
The event had an attendance of 2,000 fans. The main event of the show was Jay Lethal & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly).
Below you can find the full match card and results of ROH Field of Honor 2015, and more information about the event.
Event Info
- Event Name ROH Field of Honor 2015
- Promotion
Ring of Honor
- Event Type Special Event
- Country
United States
- Location Brooklyn, New York
- Event Date August 22, 2015
- Year 2015
- Arena MCU Park
- Network DVD Tape
- Attendance 2,000
- Running Time 3 hours
- Main Event Jay Lethal & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)
ROH Field of Honor 2015 Results
- Adam Cole defeats Christopher Daniels
- War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) defeat Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)
#1 Contender (ROH World Television Championship) 9-Way Gauntlet Match
Takaaki Watanabe defeats Adam Page, Cedric Alexander, Dalton Castle, Donovan Dijak, Frankie Kazarian, Bushwhacker Luke, Moose and Silas Young
Castle eliminates Page and Kazarian; Young eliminates Castle and Luke via Count-out; Moose eliminates Castle and Dijak; Alexander eliminates Moose; Watanabe eliminates Alexander - The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson), Matt Sydal & ACH defeat Roppongi Vice (Beretta & Rocky Romero) & The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett)
- Hirooki Goto defeats Michael Elgin
- The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) defeat Time Splitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA)
- Kazuchika Okada defeats Roderick Strong
- Jay Lethal & Shinsuke Nakamura defeat reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)