Daniel Bryan '13 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the PG Era.

Daniel Bryan '13 is classed as a Focused Acrobat in the game.


Trained by Shawn Michaels, Daniel Bryan became well-known for his hybrid of Japanese and American offensive styles that made good use of vicious elbow strikes, precise kicks, and painful submission maneuvers like the “Yes!” Lock; all of which he used during his meteoric rise to becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Alternate Gear / Attires

Raw April 2013

WrestleMania 30

SPECIALS: Russian Leg Sweep, Jumping Enzuigiri, Yes! Flip, Missile Dropkick, Shoot Kicks

FINISHERS: Yes! Knee, Yes! Lock

TAG LINKS: PG Era (Formerly Modern Era), SmackDown, Nexus, WrestleMania 35

Daniel Bryan: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 89'20
  • 88'19
  • 91'18
  • 89'17
  • 92'16
  • 94'15
  • 92'14
  • 91'13
  • 84'12

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