The new pin system starts with an entirely new pin mini-game and offers a variety of new pin variations and animations. If the opponent kicks out, a Superstar may react to the near pin fall and gesture to the referee in frustration.
This year we no have longer the pin-bar from the past WWE games but a circular icon featuring a red "kick out" section which we have to hit to perform the kick out, and this kick-out section may also change position after each attempt we make.
In addition, WWE 2K16 introduces dirty pins and rope breaks. Dirty Pins allows players to use the ropes to their advantage to try and pin their opponents. There is a chance the referee may see this and call off the pin attempt.
Rope Breaks, whch have to be performed manually, are another way to get out of pin attempt but rely on the referee seeing the player grab the ropes. In line with WWE live events and programming, there is no guarantee what the referee is going to see during a match, which means that even if your superstar grabs the ropes the referee might continue counting the pin-fall.

This year 2K also reintroduced the Resiliency Ability, which allows Superstars with this ability to survive pin attempts by pressing (Y on Xbox). A great addition to the game that can make matches more strategic and create epic moments. It can only be used once per match.

WWE 2K16 launches on October 27 for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 3. Stay tuned here on SDH for more News, Screenshots, Guides & more!