(Players will be able to stitch together a maximum of four audio clips toward the creation of any custom ring introduction by choosing among the following 1000+ call names)
Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
A: Aaron, Abs, Ace, Action, Adam, Adams, Adder, Adrian, Akane, Akira, Al, Alan, Alex, Alexander, Ali, Alice, Alien, Alpha, Amanda, Amateur, Amazing, Amazon, Amber, Ambiguous, American, Amir, Amy, Andersen, Andrew, Andy, Angel, Angelina, Angle, Angus, Ant, Anthony, Antoine, Antonio, Ape, Aquarius, Arcade, Arch, Archangel, Arctic, Aries, Armadillo, Ashley, Asian, Astronaut, Atlantic, Aunty, Austin, Awesome, Azrael
B: Baby, Back, Bad, Bailey, Baker, Balmer, Baltimore, Bane, Barbarian, Barnett, Bart, Base, Basket, Bay, Bear, Beast, Bee, Beginus, Bell, Belt, Ben, Beret, Bernie, Big, Bigdaddy, Biker, Bill, Bily, Bison, Black, Blade, Blake, Blank, Blaze, Blizzard, Blue, Boar, Bob, Booger, Bottom, Bouncer, Bowen, Boxer, Boy, Brad, Bradley, Brain, Bradley, Brain, Brandon, Brawler, Brent, Brett, Brian, British, Brittany, Brock, Brody, Brooklyn, Brother, Brown, Bruce, Bruiser, Bryan, Bryant, Bryce, Bubba, Buffalo, Bug, Buggy, Bull, Burglar, Buster, Butcher
C: Caffeine, Cage, Cali, Camacho, Campbell, Canadian, Canary, Cancer, Canine, Capricorn, Captain, Carl, Carlos, Carter, Case, Casey, Cassidy, Cat, Chameleon, Champ, Champion, Chang, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Cheater, Cheese, Chef, Chen, Chet, Chicago, Chicken, Chief, Chimera, Chinese, Cho, Cholo, Chris, Christian, Christina, Christopher, Chuck, City, Clarence, Clark, Claws, Cliff, Clinton, Cloud, Clown, Coast, Cobra, Cockroach, Coconut, Cody, Cole, Colin, Colt, Columbus, Commander, Communist, Convict, Cooper, Cop, Corporal, Corporate, Corpse, Cory, Cougar, Cowboy, Coyote, Crab, Crack, Craig, Crazed, Crazy, Criminal, Crimson, Crocodile, Crow, Cruiser, Crusty, Crystal, Curtis, Cyborg
D: Daddy, Dallas, Damn, Dan, Danger, Daniel, Danielson, Daring, Dark, Darrell, Dave, David, Davis, Day, Deadly, Deal, Dealer, Death, Defector, Demon, Dennis, Denver, Destroyer, Detroit, Devil, Devin, Diamond, Dickey, Dinosaur, Dirty, Disaster, Diva, Doc, Doctor, Dog, Dojo, Dominator, Don, Donald, Double, Douglas, Dragon, Drake, Dreamer, Dublin, Dude, Duke, Durr, Dustin, Dusty, Dwayne, Dylan, Dynamic, Dynamite
E: Eagle, Earl, Earp, Earth, East, Eastern, Eater, Ed, Edward, Edger, El, Electric, Elephant, Eliminator, Elite, Elizabeth, Emerald, Emily, Epic, Eric, Erik, Ethan, Evan, Evening, Executioner, Expert, Eye, Eyed
F: Faceless, Falcon, Fallen, Familiar, Fanboy, Fast, Father, Feline, Female, Fiend, Fierce, Finch, Fink, Fire, Finisher, Flea, Fletcher, Fly, Flying, Fool, Foot, Fort, Fox, Franco, Frank, Freak, Freaky, Frenchman, Fresno, Friend, Frisco, Front, Frost, Funky, Funny, Future
G: Gabe, Gabriel, Gaming, Gangster, Garcia, Gargoyle, Gary, Gas, Gates, Gemini, General, Genie, Genius, George, Ghost, Giant, Gibby, Gilbert, Girl, Gladiator, Goat, God, Gold, Golden, Goldman, Gonzalez, Good, Gondo, Gorilla, Goth, Grabber, Graham, Grandma, Grandpa, Grave, Gray, Great, Green, Greg, Gregory, Griffin, Grime, Grizzly, Groovy, Gulf, Gun, Guru, Guy
H: Hacker, Hammer, Hammett, Hannibal, Hardcore, Harris, Harry, Hat, Hawk, Heart, Heather, Heavenly, Heavy, Henry, Herbert, Hernandez, Hero, Hideous, Hill, Hippo, Hitman, Hockey, Hogg, Holiday, Holly, Hollywood, Homer, Homie, Hood, Hooligan, Hornet, Horse, Horsemen, Hosoqai, Hotstuff, Howard, Hubert, Hugh, Hundred, Hunter, Hustler, Hustlin
I: Ian, Icon, Icy, Immortal, Indian, Indianapolis, Indy, Iron, Irritating
J: Jack, Jackie, Jacksonville, Jacob, Jade, Jaguar, Jake, James, Jane, Japanese, Jared, Jason, Jay, Jefe, Jeff, Jeffrey, Jen, Jennifer, Jeremy, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jester, Jet, Jim, Jimmy, Jin, Job, Joe, Joel, John, Johnny, Johnson, Joker, Jonathon, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Josh, Joshua, Juan, Judge, Judo, Jun, Just, Justice, Justin
K: Kabal, Kang, Kano, Karate, Kareem, Katelynn, Keith, Ken, Kendall, Kendo, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kid, Killer, Kimberly, King, Kirk, Kisser, Kitty, Kline, Knight, Kobayashi, Kong, Korean, Kowalczyk, Kurt, Kyle
L: Ladiesman, Lance, Land, Larry, Las Vegas, Lassiter, Laura, Lauren, Ledesma, Lee, Legend, Lenny, Leo, Leon, Leonard, Leonardo, Lewis, Lex, Liam, Libra, Lightning, Lilith, Lion, Lisa, Little, Log, Loki, Long, Long Beach, Lopez, Lord, Los Angeles, Louisville, Love, Lovecraft, Lover, Luchador, Lucifer, Luger, Lui, Luis, Lumpy, Lunatic, Lurking, Luthor
M: Machine, Macho, Mack, Macleod, Madison, Madman, Maggie, Magic, Majestic, Maker, Malcolm, Male, Mall, Mamba, Man, Maniac, Manly, Mantis, Marcus, Marge, Mark, Marko, Marshall, Martin, Martinez, Marty, Masked, Master, Mastodon, Matador, Matsuda, Matsumoto, Matt, Matthew, Maverick, Max, Maximus, McCarthy, McDonald, McGregor, Mega, Megan, Melissa, Member, Memphis, Men, Mercer, Mercury, Metal, Meticulous, Mexican, Miami, Michael, Michelle, Mick, Mike, Miles, Miller, Mime, Mini, Miss, Mitchell, Model, Mohammad, Mommy, Money, Monk, Monkey, Monster, Montana, Moore, Morgan, Morning, Morris, Mortal, Mosquito, Mother, Motor, Mountie, Mouse, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mummy, Murphy, Muscle, Mutant, Mystical
N: Nashville, Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Natural, Navajo, Nelson, Nerd, Nero, New, New York, Nice, Nicholas, Nick, Nicole, Night, Nightmare, Ninja, Nitro, Noah, North, Northern, Nose, Nurse, Nut
O: Oak, Octopus, Of, Ogre, Old, Oliver, Olympian, Omega, Online, Oozing, Opal, Ophiuchus, Orange, Otaku, Outlaw, Owen, Ox
P: Pacific, Page, Pain, Palmer, Panda, Panther, Park, Parker, Pastor, Patch, Pathetic, Pathological, Patrick, Patriot, Patriotic, Paul, Peanut, Pedro, Peltier, Penguin, People, Perez, Perry, Peter, Phantom, Phenom, Philadelphia, Phillip, Philly, Phoenix, Pierre, Pine, Pinky, Pirate, Pisces, Platinum, Playboy, Player, Poker, Polar, Pow, Powell, Power, President, Prince, Princess, Principal, Pristine, Pro, Prodigy, Professional, Professor, Prototype, Prune, Psycho, Puma, Punks, Purple
Q: Queen, Quinn, Quitter
R: Rabid, Rachel, Raiden, Rain, Ralston, Ram, Ramirez, Randy, Rat, Rattle, Raymond, Real, Reaper, Rebecca, Recluse, Recto, Red, Reese, Regime, Renegade, Reptile, Rhino, Ricardo, Richard, Richardson, Rick, Riley, Ring, Rio, Riviera, Rivers, Rob, Robert, Robinson, Rocker, Rocky, Rod, Rodriguez, Ronald, Ronin, Rookie, Rooster, Roy, Ruby, Rude, Russ, Russian, Ryan
S: Sack, Sacramento, Sagittarius, Saint, Sakamoto, Sam, Samoan, Samuel, Samurai, San Antonio, San Francisco, San Jose, Sanchez, Sand, Santa, Sapp, Sapphire, Sarah, Sarge, Satin, Satoru, Savage, Savior, Scarecrow, Scorpio, Scorpion, Scott, Scottish, Screaming, Sean, Sears, Seattle, Senator, Senior, Sensation, Serbian, Sergeant, Sergio, Serpent, Seth, Sexy, Shadow, Shamownage, Shane, Shang, Shannon, Shaolin, Shaw, Shawn, Sheldon, Sherrill, Shingo, Show, Shrinker, Siberian, Side, Sikh, Silent, Silva, Silver, Simon, Simpson, Sin, Sister, Skater, Skinner, Slate, Slopes, Small, Smasher, Smith, Smoke, Smoking, Snake, Sniper, Snow, Soccer, Sokolov, Soldier, Sonya, Sophia, Soul, South, Southern, Soviet, Space, Spartan, Spectacular, Spider, Stalker, Stallion, Star, Stephanie, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Stick, Stinky, Storm, Storms, Straw, Street, Strong, Student, Stunt, Styles, Sub, Submission, Sue, Sullivan, Sunshine, Superstar, Supreme, Surfer, Surgeon, Suzuki, Syndicate
T: Taipan, Tank, Tarantula, Tattooed, Taurus, Taylor, Teacher, Technical, Ted, Teddy, Teenager, Terror, The, Thief, Thighs, Thing, Thomas, Thompson, Thousand, Thug, Thunder, Tia, Tic, Tickler, Tiffany, Tiger, Tiki, Timothy, Tin, Tiny, Titan, Toc, Todd, Tokyo, Tom, Tommy, Tony, Top, Tornado, Torres, Town, Toy, Travis, Trevor, Triple, Trouble, Troy, Tsung, Turbo, Turner, Turtle, Twin, Tyler, Tyson
U: Ugly, Ultimate, Ultra, Uncle, Unstoppable
V: Vampire, Van, Vandiver, Vega, Vegas, Vice, Victor, Viking, Villain, Vince, Vincent, Violet, Viper, Virgil, Virgo, Virtual, Visor, Voodoo
W: Walken, Walker, Wall, Walter, Wandering, Warden, Warlock, Warlord, Washington, Wasp, Water, Watson, Wayne, Web, Webmaster, Wesley, West, Western, Whiny, White, Wide, Widow, Wild, Will, William, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Witch, Wolf, Wolverine, World, Wrestler, Wyatt
X: Xander
Y: Yamashitaa, Yap, Yellow, York, Yosef, Young, Youngblood, Yuri
Z: Zachary, Zero, Zodiac
- The Agents
- Air Boom
- The Anarchist
- The Ascension
- The Assassins
- The Awesome Ones
- The Bad Girls
- The Bad Guys
- The Bank
- The Bikers
- The Blood Brothers
- The Boom Squad
- The Brain Busters
- The Brotherhood
- The Brothers of Destruction
- The Bullies
- The Cartel
- The Chess Club
- The Chick Magnets
- The C.I.A.
- The Circle
- The Cleaners
- The Coal Miners
- The Coalition
- The Corporation
- The Corre
- The Cosa Nostra
- The Crew
- Demolition
- The Disciples
- The Disciples of Darkness
- Doom
- The Doom Brigade
- The Eliminators
- The Empire of Pain
- The Entourage
- Evolution
- The Faces of Fear
- The Fallen
- The Family
- The F.B.I.
- The Four Horsemen
- The Gate Crashers
- The Geeks
- The Generation
- The Gladiators
- The Good Girls
- The Good Guys
- The Grapplers
- The Grinders
- Havoc
- The Hit Squad
- The Hooligans
- The Industry
- The Infiltrators
- The Inmates
- The Insiders
- The Job Squad
- The Jocks
- Kaos
- The Kliq
- The Knights of the the Round Table
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- Legacy
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- Les Femmes Fatales
- The Living Legends
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- The Luchadors
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- The Mega Stars
- The Militia
- The Ministry
- The Ministry of Darkness
- The Misfits
- The Monsters
- The Nation
- The Nation of Domination
- The Naughty Girls
- The Naughty Guys
- The Nerds
- The New Millennia
- The New Nexus
- The Nexus
- The Nice Girls
- The Nice Guys
- The N.W.O.
- The Old Gods
- The Olympians
- The Order
- The Originals
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- The Outsiders
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- The Power Trip
- Pretty Mean Sisters
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- The Rockers
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- The Team
- Team Bring It
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- Team RAW
- Team Smackdown
- The Terrors
- Those Guys
- The Tough Guys
- The Trailblazers
- The Tribe
- The Undead
- The Union
- The United Kingdom
- Varsity Club
- The Villagers
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- The Wolf Pack
- The YES! Men