Terrible Ted - Pro Wrestlers Database

On this page, you find the full wrestling profile of Terrible Ted, with his Career History, real name, age, height and weight, the Promotions he worked for, all the Face/Heel turns, the Championship Titles he won, his Finishers, Theme Songs, Tag Teams and Stables, his appearance changes through the years, and more.

Ted was born in Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Canada on October 1, 1949.

He died on July 2, 1978 at the age of 28.

Ted's date of death listed is based on the date he was taken away from his trainer, Dave McKigney, as his life thereafter is undocumented. This article was also created to document the odd practice of wrestling animals from the 1900s, the Smackdown Hotel otherwise does not endorse extreme wrestling such as this.

Profile Info

  • Gender Male
  • Real Name Ted
  • Ring Names
    • Terrible Ted ( December 26, 1958 - March 29, 1975)
    • Terrible Ted the Wrestling Bear ( December 26, 1958 - March 29, 1975)
    • Ted the Wrestling Bear ( April 1, 1950 - January 9, 1974)
  • Born October 1, 1949
  • Died July 2, 1978 (aged 28)
  • Nationality Nationality: CanadaCanada
  • Birth Place Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Canada
  • Billed From
    • Quebec, Canada
  • Notes Ted's date of death listed is based on the date he was taken away from his trainer, Dave McKigney, as his life thereafter is undocumented. This article was also created to document the odd practice of wrestling animals from the 1900s, the Smackdown Hotel otherwise does not endorse extreme wrestling such as this.

Career History

  • Roles

    • Wrestler ( April 1, 1950 - March 29, 1975)
  • Promotions History

    Promotion National Wrestling AllianceNWA April 1, 1950 March 29, 1975
    Promotion NWA Mid-AmericaMID AMERICA December 26, 1973 January 9, 1974
    Promotion World Wrestling AssociationWWA IN December 28, 1972 December 1, 1973
    Promotion World Wide Wrestling FederationWWWF October 15, 1971 November 27, 1971
    Promotion NWA Big Time WrestlingBTW DALLAS December 2, 1968 December 5, 1968
    Promotion Gulf Coast Championship WrestlingGCCW September 9, 1968 September 13, 1968
    Promotion Stampede WrestlingSTAMPEDE May 14, 1968 May 23, 1968
    Promotion Georgia Championship WrestlingGCW August 13, 1965 October 19, 1965
    Promotion NWA Mid-AmericaMID AMERICA August 30, 1965 September 15, 1965
    Promotion Gulf Coast Championship WrestlingGCCW July 26, 1965 July 27, 1965
    Promotion American Wrestling AllianceAWA SF November 22, 1962 November 22, 1962
    Promotion Georgia Championship WrestlingGCW August 1, 1961 August 11, 1961
    Promotion Jim Crockett PromotionsJCP July 8, 1961 July 26, 1961
    Promotion Championship Wrestling from FloridaCWF January 14, 1961 March 21, 1961
    Promotion Gulf Coast Championship WrestlingGCCW March 25, 1960 December 9, 1960
    Promotion Gulf Athletic ClubGAC February 22, 1960 March 4, 1960
    Promotion Big Time WrestlingBTW CALGARY March 27, 1959 May 28, 1959
  • Images History

    Oct 1971
    Oct 1971
    Mar 1959
    Mar 1959

  • Finishers

    • Bearhug ( April 1, 1950 - March 29, 1975)

Titles & Accomplishments

Teams & Relations

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