Triple H RTWM

  • UNLOCK Moveset 3: pin Edge as Triple H (83 days to Wrestlemania)
  • UNLOCK Jillian Hall: Win a Tag Match in the 3rd week of Febuary.
  • UNLOCK Ric Flair: At No Way Out make Randy Orton win
  • UNLOCK Evolution Entrance: Win in less than 2:30 against Batista in Week 12
  • UNLOCK DX Entrance: Pedigree Randy Orton 3 times at No Way Out and make HBK win
  • UNLOCK DX Alt. Attire: Complete Triple H RTWM with the DX Path

Undertaker RTWM

  • UNLOCK Hornswoggle as a NP Manager: In week 2, defeat Finlay in less time than you defeted Santino Marella the week before.
  • UNLOCK Brother's of Destruction Entrance: Make Finlay Bleed in a match (30 days to Wrestlemania)
  • UNLOCK Zombie Finlay/Santino Alt. Attire: Choose Finlay or Santino in a ladder match, defeat either one of the them to obtain Undertaker Urn.
  • UNLOCK Boogeyman: Complete His Storyline.

John Cena RTWM

  • UNLOCK Tribute to the Troops Arena: Make MVP submit at TttT
  • UNLOCK Tony: In Week 7, when tagging with Jeff Hardy, F-U both Regal and Umaga.
  • UNLOCK Snitsky: 2 Weeks before WM, Make MVP Bleed.
  • UNLOCK Gauntlet Match: 1 week before WM, defeat Mr. Kennedy in under 2:30 minutes
  • UNLOCK Special CAE-Jeep Entrance: Complete John Cena's RTWM.


  • UNLOCK CM Punk Alt. Attire: In the second week in by putting Jeff Hardy through a table.
  • UNLOCK Layla: Defeat Big Daddy V at No Way Out in 2:30
  • UNLOCK Locker Room Brawl: Pin John Morrison in an Triple Threat in March
  • UNLOCK Tazz: Complete CM Punks RTWM

Chris Jericho RTWM

  • UNLOCK WCW Title & Brand Options: 5 weeks in, you have a tag match with Jeff Hardy vs Snitsky and Finlay and you have to pin Finlay.
  • UNLOCK Chris Jericho 2005 Attire: Win without using a finisher (34 days to Wrestlemania).
  • UNLOCK Code Entrance Video: pick Mr. Kennedy as your prime suspect and make him bleed in your match against him
  • UNLOCK Masked Man: Complete Jericho's storyline.

Rey Mysterio and Batista RTWM

  • UNLOCK Rey Mysterio Alt. Blue Attire: Defeat Miz and Morrison by pinning Morrison (Week 4).
  • UNLOCK Hawkins and Ryder: Using Batista, Spear Edge twice in a tag match.
  • UNLOCK CAW Moveset 1: Make Rey lose to Edge at No Way Out, then make sure Rey is the one to lose the tag titles to Miz and Morrison.
  • UNLOCK CAW Moveset 2: Make Batista lose to Edge at No Way Out, then make sure Batista is the one to lose the tag titles to Miz and Morrison.
  • UNLOCK Saturday Night Main Event Arena: Do at least 1 finisher on Khali, Miz and Morrison each.
  • UNLOCK Vince McMahon: Complete Rey/Batista Storyline.

NOTE: You will recieve a notice about how to get a bonus before the match in your Locker Room

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