WWE SuperCard Legion Rarity Tier Database: Current up-to-date catalog of all the Legion Tier Superstars and Women Cards available in the Season 11 of the game. Use the tabs to filter by type.
supercard adrianarizzo s11 legion
supercard andrade s11 legion
supercard andrethegiant s11 legion
supercard angelodawkins s11 legion
supercard austintheory s11 legion
supercard bayley s11 legion
supercard biancabelair s11 legion
supercard bigjohnstudd s11 legion
supercard braunstrowman s11 legion
supercard brethart s11 legion
supercard bronbreakker s11 legion
supercard brotherlove manager s11 legion
supercard channinglorenzo s11 legion
supercard charliedempsey s11 legion
supercard charlotteflair s11 legion
supercard codyrhodes s11 legion
supercard dragonlee s11 legion
supercard drewmcintyre s11 legion
supercard dukehudson s11 legion
supercard eddieguerrero s11 legion
supercard ethanpage s11 legion
supercard giulia s11 legion
supercard gobbledygooker special s11 legion
supercard graysonwaller s11 legion
supercard gunther s11 legion
supercard iljadragunov s11 legion
supercard jbl s11 legion
supercard johncena s11 legion
supercard kairisane s11 legion
supercard kelanijordan s11 legion
supercard kevinowens s11 legion
supercard kofikingston s11 legion
supercard laknight s11 legion
supercard lucacrusifino s11 legion
supercard ludwigkaiser s11 legion
supercard lyravalkyria s11 legion
supercard maxxinedupri s11 legion
supercard montezford s11 legion
supercard mrperfect s11 legion
supercard niajax s11 legion
supercard randysavage s11 legion
supercard reymysterio s11 legion
supercard rhearipley s11 legion
supercard romanreigns s11 legion
supercard roxanneperez s11 legion
supercard samizayn s11 legion
supercard sethrollins s11 legion
supercard shawnmichaels s11 legion
supercard shawnspears s11 legion
supercard sheamus s11 legion
supercard stephanievaquer s11 legion
supercard sychosid s11 legion
supercard teddibiase s11 legion
supercard themiz s11 legion
supercard therock s11 legion
supercard therock special s11 legion
supercard tiffanystratton s11 legion
supercard tonydangelo s11 legion
supercard tripleh s11 legion
supercard trishstratus s11 legion
supercard tylerbate s11 legion
supercard williamregal s11 legion
supercard xavierwoods s11 legion
supercard adrianarizzo s11 legion
supercard bayley s11 legion
supercard biancabelair s11 legion
supercard charlotteflair s11 legion
supercard giulia s11 legion
supercard kairisane s11 legion
supercard kelanijordan s11 legion
supercard lyravalkyria s11 legion
supercard maxxinedupri s11 legion
supercard niajax s11 legion
supercard rhearipley s11 legion
supercard roxanneperez s11 legion
supercard stephanievaquer s11 legion
supercard tiffanystratton s11 legion
supercard trishstratus s11 legion