I like to See Eugene Eric's Nephew in the game
This commment is unpublished, pending moderation.@George Flinton I'm not saying it's impossible, George, but I wouldn't hold your breath.Eugene was an offensive stereotype even back then and extremely disrespectful to disabled people - especially neurodivergent ones. I doubt highly WWE would want to remind everyone of that.Additionally, Nick Dinsmore (Eugene) has been very vocal on occasion about how he was disliked by management, at the time. While WWE is very different today, there's no way of knowing if there's any existing animosity. It's said that HHH was particularly disparaging. . .So while it MIGHT happen, I wouldn't hold your breath. Characters like Eugene belong with HLA and Rene Dupree - firmly in the past.
This commment is unpublished, pending moderation.@The R i think Eugene possible.
We have 4 versions of Hulk Hogan, that was banned from WWE for years for talking racial slurs.
And we have a wife beating Steve Austin in the game.
we have Scott hall, who shot a man and Jake Roberts who was jailed for animal abuse and stuff like this.
theres more eveil things in this game as a goofy character most casual custmers wont even know this man ever existed.
At the end of the day, WWE is still the company that portrays black people as rappers, or latinos with Hispanic accents and asians as quiet and not speaking English. These are also things you can offend any people. -
This commment is unpublished, pending moderation.@Abcde Fghij Oh sure - I even said myself that it's possible. But. . .Hulk Hogan matters. Steve Austin matters. Eugene doesn't.WWE has always had somewhat flexible morality. And just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should. Would we bring back bra and panty matches? Of course not - nonsense like that belongs in the past. As does an offensive stereotype like Eugene, who many fans won't even have heard of and fewer still will care about.
This commment is unpublished, pending moderation.@The R to be honest, i wouldn't mind if they brought back bra and panties. first and foremost, it's a video game, which should copy the real wwe world, but still leave enough creative freedom to be seen as a video game.
It goes without saying that such nonsense has no place on wwe tv, but video games have always been morally flexible, even annual sports sims. -
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