10 months ago
This was a great video game by a lot of means. It was by no means easy, and it took up quite a lot of real estate with the memory cards- so if you wanted to do every mode, you had to spare another card. But gameplay wise, it had a lot to it, but it was coherent. If you like wrestling, and if you like those fighting games that you had to really practice to get good at people, it's very rewarding. The trash talking really captures the product it was based on. The ECW games were great companion pieces, and the vulgarities in *those* games were a notch above- and the character specific movesets- were not identical. So, if you wanna get more out of the games, you gotta appreciate what they are, and the products they are actually based upon. The games were very much overlooked by their AKI alternatives- which in themselves had much in their arsenals when it came to the movesets and customization options- as well as the simplicity of the alternatives. This particular engine was very unique, niche, and if more was done with it, and one can only imagine what this engine can conquer if it ever can be faithfully revisited- since actual rereleases are more like pipe dreams.