Faction Wars is returning to MyFACTION in WWE 2K24 and has received a major revamp with new features and opportunities to earn rewards.
The concept of Faction Wars has also changed, instead of climbing the ladder and earning random rewards, in WWE 2K24 players will now embark on a “run” and go through 5 stages to earn Rewards, a new currency called “Faction War Credits” (FW), and the ability to unlock “Bosses” from the final match in a stage also known as “Boss Battles”.
WWE 2K24 Faction Wars: Starting a Run
Each run requires 1 “Faction War Ticket”, these tickets are earned by playing the MyFACTION game mode. Next is to choose your lineup for the run, however, once you finalize your lineup for the run, it cannot be changed, so keep that in mind as you’re assembling your lineup for the run.
A run does not have to be completed in a singular session, as long as you aren’t in a match you can later come back to Faction Wars by clicking the “Resume Run” option which is located underneath the “Start New Run” option.
Credits Rarity Bonus
Another feature that’s new to Faction Wars is a “Credit Rarity Bonus”, using cards of high rarity adds a multiplier to how many credits you’ll receive after a match. The total bonus will be calculated depending on the Superstar's card tier.
To determine how much of a bonus your lineup will receive during a run, use the screenshot above as an example. Emeralds add a 5% bonus and Gold cards add a 2% bonus, adding all the bonuses gives you a total bonus of 17%.
WWE 2K24 Faction Wars Show Stage
The Faction Wars Show Stage will be composed of different match types which you need to win in order to progress and keep the run alive, however losing a match will end the run and you will need to start over, using a Faction War Ticket.
As you progress through the Faction Wars Stage, each icon is defined as a “node”, there are several nodes in a stage including:
- Match Nodes (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4)
- Rewards (Treasure Chest Icon)
- Choice Node (Crossroads Icon)
- Vitality Replenishment (Heart Line Icon)
- Boss Battle (Final Match in a Stage)
Each Stage has a different path to the Boss Battle, meaning more matches, choices, and rewards. You may encounter a choice node (Crossroads Icon) which will display different choices that you can choose from Faction War credits, increased limb health, random sideplates, or random attribute upgrade to a random Superstar. After choosing an option, you will continue on the path, however the crossroads can lead you to either a shorter or longer path toward the boss battle.
Choice Nodes
As you progress through the run, “Choice Nodes” will appear, you will have the opportunity to choose one out of 3 choices such as Faction War Credits, attribute boosts or perks to a random superstar in your lineup, however with high a reward there’s a high risk. The example in the screenshot above shows a loss of “Core Vitality” on a random Superstar in your lineup.
Vitality Replenishment Node
Another example of a Choice Node you’ll have to make in a stage is called a “Vitality Replenishment”. You will have the choice to either increase the vitality or limb health of your Superstars or a random number of Credits, depending on the condition your Superstars are in, it’s definitely something to think about before progressing on.
Rewards Nodes
Rewards Nodes will give you a choice in choosing 1 out of 3 displayed rewards. The possible reward choices range from Superstar cards, Faction War Credits, Sideplates, and Armor Boosts.
After a Boss Battle, Faction War Credits will be part of the rewards, however, they’ll be marked with a “GUARANTEED” sticker on the upper left-hand side of the card. Indicating that the marked card will be given to you along with the choice you make of the other two options.
Armor Boosts
During a run, any damage taken to a Superstar will transfer over to the next match, however, an opportunity to apply “armor boosts” first appears as you start the run and can be applied to either one or multiple superstars. If you apply an armor boost to a Superstar and they’re later swapped out with another card, the new card taking its place will retain the armor. Armor Boosts can later be equipped if found in a “Reward Node”.
WWE 2K24 Boss Battles
The final match in a stage also known as a Boss Battle is a 4v4 match, you must win by pinfall or submission to clear the Boss Battle and move on to the next stage.
After winning a Boss Battle, you will be able to select 1 out of 4 cards to add to your lineup during the run, the card you select can only be added to your lineup in the run and does not get added to your collection.
Every Boss you defeat will become unlockable in the “Exchange” and will be available to purchase using “Faction War Credits” (FW). There are a total 3 sections in the exchange:
- Rotating Cards
- Permanent Cards
- Unlockable Bosses
Upon completion of each run, there will be a “Run Summary'' instead of “Faction War Wins”, the summary will show how many stages you have completed all-time, the total amount of currency you earned, bosses unlocked, total nodes completed, and number of rewards claimed.
That’s everything new in Faction Wars in MyFACTION in WWE 2K24. As you’ve read and seen, this is definitely a huge change in MyFACTION and should be more fun and engaging compared to WWE 2K23’s version of Faction Wars.
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