Create A Superstar, a staple feature of all professional wrestling games (not just the WWE Series) has of course made its return in WWE 2K23. But is this year a hit, a dud, or more of the same? Below is a quick recap covering what's new, what's returning, and what's missing.
Quick note, these early screenshots come from the youtube videos uploaded by SmackTalks & Miss T So all credit to them. Please make sure to check them out!
What's New in WWE 2K23

Face textures - Face textures make a return with 17 preset available options with different face texture options to give a different skin quality to each CAW and breathe a new level of life compared to what many players would call the plastic look of WWE 2K22.
Customizable Weight - WWE 2K22 made the controversial move of tying character weight to body type and height. After a year of experimenting with this ability to change your characters, weight has returned!
600 new parts - This has yet to be confirmed 100% by counting part for part and a lot of these parts may just be replacements or upgrades from parts previously features in 2K22, this is a huge boost.
Multiple Paybacks - 2K23 brings back the ability for players to select multiple paybacks right from the creation suite. This is a returning feature from the previous 2K titles before the reboot. How this will work in a live match and whether both will be active or if the player will need to select one has not been determined yet.
What's the Same
Save limits remain the same - Character limits are at 100, image limits are at 1000, and videos remain at 25.
Most Hair & Body parts remain - While 600 new parts are being mentioned, a lot of the hair & facial hair parts remain the same. On the positive, it looks like a lot of the hair has been reanimated to give a more fluid, realistic look so not all is lost!
Face Paint fading? - While the in-game menu says Face paint will fade throughout the match, this was also mentioned in the 2K22 creation suite but did not work. It is very possible that this has been fixed and will work. Only time will tell and we are 6 days from early access release!
WWE 2K23 Create A Superstar: The Verdict (so far)
WWE 2K23 brings a strong improvement to the Character creation while keeping a lot of the same that 2K22 did right. With the return of Face textures, customizable weights, and multiple paybacks, this could be what long-time players are looking for.
Check out the full videos referenced below and make sure to keep up with us as more WWE 2K23 news comes out during the final stretch until release!
What feature are you looking forward to when you jump into CAS for the first time? Throw a message down in the comments!
For all the information on WWE 2K23 check out the WWE 2K23 Main Section, and the full WWE 2K23 Roster Page.