Remember when WWE games used to have "OMG Moments"? Well, yes, the term "OMG Moments" was removed from the game series back in WWE 2K22. But, both the games, last year's WWE 2K22 and this year's WWE 2K23, have the same animations and moves as we used to have in WWE 2K20 (most of them at least), and some new ones.
The only moves removed are the ones that were signature moves of wrestlers who either quit WWE, or have been released by WWE, and are now plying their trade elsewhere. Some backstage OMG Moments have been removed too, apart from some ringside OMG moments.
WWE 2K23 OMG Moments List:
Here's a list of all the moves removed from the game:
1. Skull Crushing Big Boot - Perform a Big Boot to an opponent leaning against the Ring Post.
2. King of Swing (Cesaro Swing) - Perform a Giant Swing.
3. Powerbomb into Boston Crab (Samoa Joe) - Powerbomb and pin combination that immediately transitions into a Boston Crab submission when the defender escapes the pin.
4. Unicorn Stampede (New Day) - Continuously stomp your cornered opponent in a Tag Team Match.
5. Locker Powerbomb - Powerbomb your opponent into a locker located Backstage.
6. Locker Superkick Combo - Superkick your opponent into a locker located Backstage.
7. Office Table Powerbomb - Powerbomb your opponent onto the office desk located Backstage.
8. Office Table DDT - DDT your opponent on the office desk located Backstage.
9. Breaker Box Spear - Spear your opponent into the breaker box located Backstage.
10. TV Monitor Spear - Spear your opponent into the TV box located Backstage.
11. Car Finisher - Perform a Finisher on top of the Car in the Parking Lot.
12. Kendo-Assisted Yes! Lock (Daniel Bryan) - Use the kendo stick to apply the Yes! Lock submission.
13. Triple Powerbomb 1 (The Shield) - Powerbomb your opponent with the help of two allies.
14. Triple Powerbomb 2 (The Shield) - Powerbomb your opponent from the top rope with the help of two allies.
15. Break-Out Finisher - Finish your opponent by throwing him through the wall of the Steel Cage.
Now, to the good part, take a look at all the old and new OMG moments that are included in this year's game. This year's game however, just like last year's WWE 2K22, doesn't necessarily use stored finishers to execute the moves, although some of them still do:
1. Barricade Breaker - Slam your opponent through the barricade. This year you can break the barricade, of selected arenas, using various different methods. All you need to do is use the directional throw, while executing a move, to throw your opponent towards the barricades or execute a big move onto it, and soon, the barricade will give in.
2. Through the Table - Put your opponent through the Announce Table with a Finisher (the various moves can be assigned in Custom Move-Set). Requires 1 Finisher stored.
3. Apron DDT - DDT your opponent onto the Apron.
4. Ladder Finisher - Perform a Finisher from the top of the Ladder (the various moves can be assigned in Custom Move-Set). Requires 1 Finisher stored.
5. Escape Artist - Slam your opponent through the Hell In A Cell wall (the various moves can be assigned in Custom Move-Set). Requires 1 Finisher stored.
6. Pod People - Spear your opponent through the Elimination Chamber pod. Requires 1 Finisher stored.
7. Outside Superplex - Superplex your opponent to the ringside area like Dana Brooke and Andre Chase (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
8. Ring Breaker - A massive Superplex that causes the ring to break. This results in winning the match by KO. Requires a Heavyweight wrestler and a Super Heavyweight, or two Super Heavyweights.
9. Double Finisher - Finish two people at once (the various moves can be assigned in Custom Move-Set). Requires 1 Finisher stored.
10. Catching Finisher - Catch your opponent in mid-air with a Finisher during his diving attack (the various moves can be assigned in Custom Move-Set). Requires 1 Finisher stored.
11. Suicide Dive - Perform a Suicide Dive over or through the ropes (a variety of dives can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
- The Suicide Dive selection also includes Kevin Owens' Apron Powerbomb.
12. Apron Superplex (Cesaro) - Superplex an opponent who is on the Apron (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
13. Super Dropkick (Roman Reigns' Drive-By Dropkick) - Dropkick an opponent draped across the bottom rope (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
14. Corkscrew Legdrop (RVD) - Perform a corkscrew legdrop against an opponent draped over the barricade wall.
15. Torpedo DDT (Sami Zayn) - Perform a Torpedo DDT through the ropes.
16. Corner Post Baseball Slide (Bayley) - Perform a Baseball Slide across the corner of the ring (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
17. Ladder Bridge Powerbomb - Powerbomb your opponent through a ladder bridged between the apron and the barricade.
18. Top Rope Double Knee (Sasha Banks) - Perform a double knee on an opponent that is lying on the top rope (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
19. Coast to Coast (Shane McMahon) - Perform the Coast to Coast dropkick to an opponent in the Tree of Woe position (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
20. Multiple Attitude Adjustments (John Cena) - Be like John Cena and perform two Attitude Adjustments in a row (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
21. Avalanche Spanish Fly (Mustafa Ali) - Perform a Spanish Fly from the top rope.
22. Avalanche Poison Rana (Bayley) - Perform a Reverse Hurricanrana from the top rope (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).
23. Through the Car Window - Slam your opponent's head through the cars' windows in the parking lot.
24. Throw into the Spotlight - Throw your opponent into the spotlight placed in the backstage area.
25. Ledge Finisher - Perform your finisher or throw your opponent from the top of the cell, or the stage, to the floor (the various moves can be assigned in Custom Move-Set). Requires 1 Finisher stored.
How to perform all the OMG moments in WWE 2K23
1. Barricade Breaker - This year you can break the barricade, of selected arenas, using various different methods. All you need to do is use the directional throw, while executing a move, to throw your opponent towards the barricades or execute a big move onto it, and soon, the barricade will give in.
2. Through the Table - To put your opponent through the announcer's desk this year, you need to get them over to the table, lean them on it, and press the finisher buttons when prompted. Keep in mind you must have a finisher stored to perform these OMG moments.
3. Apron DDT - To perform the Apron DDT OMG moments, you must first assign the move to the wrestler of your choice. You can do that by going to the custom move-set menu (although, some wrestlers have the move assigned to them already). Then, in a match, when your opponent is standing on the apron, press the button combinations and you will perform the Apron DDT just like that.
4. Ladder Finisher - The Ladder Finisher OMG move requires you to have a stored finisher. To perform it, you must be across your opponent on a ladder. Then, all you need to do, apart from watching out for your opponent's attacks, is press the finisher buttons when prompted.
5. Escape Artist - To break the cell panels in a hell in a cell match, you can choose two methods. First, you can Irish Whip your opponent a couple of times on one of the cell panels, which will cause it to give in, and second, you can perform a finisher on your opponent when he is stunned near the cell panel after being whipped into it.
Of course, the second method looks much cooler. Keep in mind, you must have a finisher to perform the second method. Also, only the top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left cell panels can be broken. The cell's gate itself can't be broken either.
6. Pod People - To put your opponent through a chamber pod in an elimination chamber match, you first need to choose a heavyweight or super-heavyweight wrestler. Then, lean your opponent on the chamber's glass, and simply press the finisher buttons, and you will spear your opponent right through the chamber pod. As mentioned, make sure to have a stored finisher beforehand.
7. Outside Superplex - The Outside Superplex has not been pre-assigned to any of the wrestlers this time around, so, to perform it, like Dana Brooke did a few months ago on Smackdown, you first need to assign it to the wrestler of your choice by going into the custom move-set menu. Then, lean your opponent in the corner and press the assigned buttons.
8. Ring Breaker - To make the ring collapse, you must have a heavyweight and a super-heavyweight wrestler, or two super-heavyweight wrestlers go against each other in a one-on-one match. All you need next is to perform a normal superplex from the corner on the super-heavyweight wrestler.
9. Double Finisher - Not everyone can perform these OMG moments, although you can assign them to whoever you like from the custom move-set menu. To perform this move, you must Irish Whip two of your opponents in the same corner. Then, press the finisher buttons when prompted and you will see your wrestler take out two of your opponents at the same time. Keep in mind, you must have a stored finisher to get this done.
10. Catching Finisher - To perform the Catching Finisher, you must use a wrestler who have a catching finisher pre-assigned to them, or you can assign it to the wrestler of your choice from the custom move-set menu. Then load up a match, and you will now be able to interrupt your opponent's diving attacks by catching them in mid-air and performing your move. You can also use the L1/LB button to throw a running opponent in the air, and then, press the finisher buttons quickly to break their fall by a catching finisher. You can create some really cool scenarios with these OMG moments, like "RKOs Outta Nowhere". Don't forget to keep a finisher stored beforehand.
11. Suicide Dive - This year you can perform signature suicide dives of wrestlers simply by pressing the grab and heavy attack buttons one after the other, sometimes you may also have to use the direction buttons.
12. Apron Superplex - This year, Cesaro's Apron Superplex has not been pre-assigned to any of the wrestlers in the game. So, you must assign it to the wrestler of your choice yourself, using the custom move-set menu. Once this is done, you must grab your opponent while they are on the apron and press the assigned buttons to deadlift your opponent and superplex them from the apron, using the ropes, into the ring.
13. Super Dropkick - This move, for some reason, has not been pre-assigned to Roman Reigns in WWE 2K23. So, in order to perform it, you must first assign the move to The Tribal Chief (or whoever you want to assign it to using the custom move-set menu) yourself. Then, lean your opponent in the corner and press the designated buttons to see Roman Reigns' Drive-By Dropkick.
14. Corkscrew Legdrop - This Rob Van Dam signature move is rightly only pre-assigned to RVD in the game (although you can assign it to whoever you want using the custom move-set menu). So, you must choose RVD and grab your opponent while they are leaning on the side barricades (not in the corner). Then, press the O/B button, and you will see the classic RVD legdrop being performed.
15. Torpedo DDT - Sami Zayn's Corner Torpedo DDT is in the game again. It is specifically assigned to Sami Zayn, but you can assign it to the wrestler of your choice by going into the custom move-set menu. Then, choose Sami Zayn or the wrestler you assigned the Torpedo DDT to, and lean your opponent in the corner. After that, press the specified buttons and you will see the move being performed.
16. Corner Post Baseball Slide - Bayley's Corner Post Baseball Slide has not been assigned to any of the wrestlers, including Bayley, in this year's game. So, you must first assign it to the wrestler of your choice. After that, while in a match, lean your opponent in the corner and press the designated buttons.
17. Ladder Bridge Powerbomb - To perform the Ladder Bridge Powerbomb OMG move, you must first set up a ladder bridge by pressing the R2+L1 button on the Playstation or the RT+LB button on the Xbox, near the apron while in a ladder match. Then, grab your opponent, carry them in a powerbomb position and as soon as you are near the ladder bridge, press the Square button on the Playstation or the X button on the Xbox, to put your opponent through the ladder bridge using a brutal powerbomb.
18. Top Rope Double Knee - Sasha Banks' Double Knee from the top rope has not been assigned to any of the wrestlers this year, so you must first assign it to your wrestler yourself. Then, while in a match, put your opponent in the corner and press the specified buttons. That's it.
19. Coast to Coast - Shane McMahon's Tree of Woe Coast to Coast, for some reason, has not been assigned to Shane McMahon in WWE 2K23. Although, you can assign it to him and the wrestlers you want to assign it to using the custom move-set menu. Then, you must put your opponent in the corner and press the assigned buttons to execute these OMG moments.
20. Multiple Attitude Adjustments - John Cena's Multiple Attitude Adjustments has not been pre-assigned to John Cena in this year's game. However, you can definitely assign the move to the wrestler of your choice yourself, using the custom move-set menu. After that, all you need to do is start up a match and press the designated buttons to execute the move.
21. Avalanche Spanish Fly - The Avalanche Spanish Fly can be performed by a few wrestlers. All you need to do is lean your opponent in the corner and press the assigned buttons.
22. Avalanche Posion Rana - Bayley's Avalanche Posion Rana has not been pre-assigned to any of the wrestlers this year. So, you must assign it to the wrestler of your choice yourself, using the custom move-set menu. Then, while in a match, put your opponent in the corner and press the specified buttons to perform the Avalanche Reverse Hurricanrana OMG moments.
23. Through the Car Window - You can slam your opponent head first into the windows of the cars in the parking lot. All you need to do is drag your opponent while standing near a car by pressing O+R1 on your Playstation controller and B+RB on your Xbox controller, take them towards the car's front window and press X (on Playstation) or A (on Xbox) based on your console. You can also put your opponents through the car's window by carrying them on your shoulders by grabbing them using O, and then flicking the left stick to the right to initiate a shoulder carry, then, carry them close to the car's window, and press Square (on the PlayStation) or X (on the Xbox).
24. Throw into the Spotlight - To throw your opponent into the spotlight, you must first climb up on the top of the ledge in the backstage, wait for your opponent to climb up too, and when both you and your opponent are on the top of the balcony, start Irish Whipping your opponent onto the railing which is directly above the spotlight. Eventually, the railings will give in. After that, all you need to do is Irish whip your opponent towards the spotlight, yet again, and BOOM! they go falling down into the spotlight. These REALLY are "OMG moments".
25. Ledge Finisher - Ledge Finisher is the finisher that you can perform to throw your opponent from the ledge of the stage to the floor, and from top of the cell to the floor. To execute the ledge finisher, you must first get yourself and your opponent right beside the ledge on the stage or right on the edge of the cell, from there all you need to do is press the finisher buttons when prompted. You can even put your opponent through the announcers' table by performing the ledge finisher from the top of the cell towards the table.
That's it for today, folks. Those are all the OMG moments included in WWE 2K23. Keep coming back for more insights on "OMG moments" and all the new features in WWE 2K23.
Make sure to check other wrestling, and wrestling games-related content on our website. Ciao!
For all the information on WWE 2K23 check out the WWE 2K23 Main Section, and the full WWE 2K23 Roster Page.