In the span of 1 month after release, WWE 2K23 will undergo its first sale across multiple stories! Including, but not limited to, Target, Best Buy, Amazon, and GameStop. Available on all platforms at varying rates, it comes as part of a yearly Spring Break sale for sports games.
This will be the first sale for fans to decide if they want WWE 2K23 on discount, this time for 25% off, or possibly wait longer for further discounts, such as in the summer or Christmas season.
When checking the site Dekudeals for 2K22’s price history, their first major sale came approximately on April 8 at 25% off, 28 days after the game’s release on March 11. At 34 days, WWE 2K23 seems to have followed a similar route.
Given the close of Wrestlemania season just recently, now would be optimal for those who want in on the game’s best CAWs from last month, such as Jeff Hardy from Azorthious and iWorldsFinest:
More details on the first WWE 2K23 Sale:
- 25% off for last-gen users, 8% off for next-gen
- Icon/Deluxe editions are not on sale for most stores, only via Amazon
- (To current knowledge) available only in the US
- Shipping depends on the store, usually in a “Spend X to get free shipping” deal
And of course, be careful to know if the version of the game you want has all the content you desire, especially since Bad Bunny is not available for those who didn’t pre-order.
For future sale updates, use recommended sites such as SteamDB, IsThereAnyDeal, PSPrices, or Dekudeals as mentioned before.
Going by sale dates on Steam, the prices will return to normal by the 1st of May, which may or may not reflect in other stores, such as Microsoft, which will end on the 25th of April. If you don’t live in the US, take other routes if need be, though again be careful with any fine print.
All the while, we hope you can find the best option available, for fans of all wrestling games alike!