We are now less than 4 weeks away from WWE 2K22 being released on March 8th for owners of The Deluxe, Cross-Gen, or NWO 4-Life Game Editions (March 11th for Standard Edition Players).
Over the last few weeks, we have seen a new series from the official WWE Games Youtube Account called The Ringside Report which showed off the first bit of uninterrupted gameplay that was a one-on-one match between the cover star Rey Mysterio and series newcomer Damien Priest.
This is a good step in the right direction for 2K as many people wanted to see some gameplay since one of 2K22's selling points is the re-designed Gameplay Engine so people wanted to see the gameplay engine in action before the game is released when players can see it for themselves.
Another thing that 2K has been doing on their official @WWEgames Twitter Account is daily revealing superstars on the WWE 2K22 Roster along with their overall ratings and screenshots of their in-game character models.
Some of the superstars revealed over the last few weeks were also shown off during the trailers such as the Cover Reveal Trailer, Gameplay Trailer, and the Hit List Trailer.
When compared to WWE 2K20 the models look really impressive, this being due to all of the superstars being rescanned or receiving a touch-up if they were sadly no longer with us.
Some people wanted to know which superstars on the current roster are going to be included in the game and who is going to be added later on as DLC for the game.
Another roster concern for fans is if any of the former WWE Stars who were released from their contract over the last year are still going to appear in the game and the superstars in question still have a good chance of still making the cut as long as they still have a good relationship with the WWE after their release.
The company would also not show any of these released superstars in the promotion for the game so the only superstars that with be officially announced with still be under contract.
So in this article, we will be going over all of the WWE current superstars revealed for the WWE 2K22 roster so far and comparing their overall ratings in 2K22 to if they already appeared in the series.
WWE 2K22 Revealed Current Superstars and Their 2K22 Overalls
Here are the superstars on the current roster who have so far been revealed for WWE 2K22's roster along with their overall ratings:
The first of these superstars would be first shown off by the @WWEgames Twitter Account and would be the Current WWE Universal Champion (The Head of The Table) Roman Reigns who has an overall rating of 95 in WWE 2K22.
This would be a 3 point increase from WWE 2K20 as his rating in that game was a 92 overall.
The next superstar reveal would be another returning female superstar and former Woman Champion, that being the Goddess Alexa Bliss who has been given an 84 overall this year.
Once again this would a minor 1 point improvement since, in WWE 2K20, Alexa Bliss would be rated an 83 overall in the last game.
The next superstar would be the first member of The New Day to have their overall rating shown off which is the Former WWE Champion Big E.
He would be given a rating of 87 in WWE 2K22.
This would be a slight 2 point improvement to WWE 2K20 where Big E would only have an overall rating of 85 in the prior game.
The next current female superstar would be the former Raw Woman Champion Nikki A.S.H who would have an overall rating in WWE 2K22 of 82.
Nikki's rating would like the others, be an overall improvement since in WWE 2K20 was an 80 overall when at that time she was still Nikki Cross.
The next superstar to be revealed would be our first new debuting superstar Austin Theory who has been shown to have an overall rating of 80.
Since this is Theory's debut in a WWE video game, he doesn't have a prior overall rating that we can compare him to.
Finally, the last legend to be officially shown off by 2K at the moment is the Former WWE UK Woman's Champion Kay Lee Ray who like Austin, is making her video game debut this year Kay Lee Ray who has an overall rating of 81.
Just like with Austin Theory, we are unable to compare Kay's rating to her prior video game appearance since she is making her debut in WWE 2K22 this year.
WWE 2K22 Appearance at IGN Fan Fest
While we are still waiting for new information to be officially revealed by 2K before WWE 2K22 is released in early March, one thing we know for sure is that the game will make an appearance at the Annual IGN Fan Fest as both IGN and the official @WWEgames Twitter Account have publicly announced the game will present at the show.
As for what will be shown off during the event, at the minute it's hard to say what exactly but some guesses maybe a live look at the gameplay or even a full roster reveal however this is just speculation and we will just need to wait for the event to see for ourselves.
What do you guys think of the recent current superstars and overall reveals for WWE 2K22?
Will you be watching IGN Fan Fest for any WWE 2K22 News?
Leave your comments down below and thanks for checking into The Smackdown Hotel.