One of the features in WWE 2K22 that was highlighted back in the Hit List Trailer that most fans are the most excited to see is the return of GM Mode which hasn't made an appearance in the main series WWE games since Smackdown VS Raw 2008 all the way back in 2007 and made its debut appearance in Smackdown VS Raw 2006 back in 2005.
This has been a game mode that fans have wanted back for years as GM Mode allows the players to draft their own roster and run either Raw or Smackdown in the older versions of the popular game mode but you had to manage your budget so you can actually run your chosen show and also superstar morale to make sure they don't jump ship to your rival's show.
Regardless the final goal is to have a better show against the AI or a friend in couch-co op by the time of Wrestlemania.
The return of GM Mode has been highly requested by fans for years, so much that when Patrick Gilmore hosted a Reddit AMA asking for community requests from the fans, the return of GM Mode had the most votes during the session.
We have known since the Hit List Trailer that GM Mode (now under the name MyGM) will be making its glorious return in WWE 2K22 but since then we knew nothing else about the mode other than it was back in this year's game.
However yesterday we not only got a trailer for 2K22's version of GM Mode but we also had the second episode of WWE 2K22's MyGM Ringside Report which gave us a lot of new details and some brand new welcoming additions to the fan-favorite mode.
This edition of the Ringside Report would have Lynell Jinks (Creative Director) and Christina Diem Pham (Art Producer) going over the major improvements made to MyGM and were joined in the episode by Alan Flores (Design Director), Bryan Fritz (Producer), and Chris Misenas (Senior Designer).
So in this article, we will be going through the MyGM Ringside Report and talking about any of the new features that were added to the game mode.
WWE 2K22 MyGM Playable GMs
The first thing the gang would go over is the list of GMs the player can choose from when they start the mode. The list of GMs is Adam Pearce, Sonya Deville, Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, or for the first time ever, you can create your own Custom Character as your GM for your chosen show.
Each GM has an Exclusive Power Card that the player will have access to from the start. For example, Adam has the Instigator Power Card which when uses increases all of the player's active rivalries by 1, and Sonya has A Superstar's GM which raises your superstar roster's morale by 15%.
WWE 2K22 MyGM Initial Draft Rules
Once the player has selected their GM, they are shown the rules of the initial rounds of the draft which are down below:
From the rules screen, the player is taken to the list of superstars that they can draft, which can be arranged by highest or lower Popularity, the superstar's cost to draft, if they are face or heel, what Class they are the max amount of Stamina that they can have, and if they are male or female.
The player is also able to press in the right stick on their controller to see recommended superstars that they can draft after the player is done with drafting their initial roster, they can choose to manage their current roster, sign any available free agents, or sign any legends to a contract for a certain amount of time.
Something that is quite interesting about the signable free agents is not only is there are actual superstars on the in-game roster but also some Custom Characters which could either be Custom Superstars simply there for players to hire, or this may hint at any custom superstars the player makes or downloaded also able to be signed.
WWE 2K22 MyGM Available Show Logistics
The player also has the choice to pick what Arena they want to host their show, the kind of Crew they want for their show, their show's used Special Effects for that week, and the method of Advertising they use to let their virtual fans know about the show
The better option they use in each category, the more money they will need to spend on producing the show but the better improvement to the quality of your show for that week with some types of choices only being available after a certain week has passed in the mode.
WWE 2K22 MyGM Commissioner Goals and Power Cards
During your playthrough in MyGM, you will receive advice from your Commissioner Triple H that can either tell you how to improve an active rivalry or that you need to avoid book certain talent so they can rest up from injuries. That same talent can also message with requests such as booking them on shows or giving them a title shot.
Throughout the weeks, Triple H will give you certain goals to achieve during the week which if you complete with giving you a Power Card as your reward. You also buy Power Cards in their own section by spending money from your budget which when used can let you do things like fix a match so a certain superstar wins, or give them some rest time in a health spa.
WWE 2K22 Unique Spectator Camera Angles
One thing that players can do in the mode is actually to watch the match live from ringside as their chosen GM, with the game giving you the option of several unique camera angles to view the match during the fight.
WWE 2K22 MyGM Match and Week Reports
After each week is over, you are given an End of Week Report where you can see how each Match you booked from the week was received by the fans, how the week's Viewership and Revenue have changed between this week and the prior, and finally some of your Virtual Fans on social media talking either about what was great about the show or what could be improved next week.
What do you guys think of the MyGM Ringside Report Breakdown?
Leave your comments down below and thanks for checking into The Smackdown Hotel.