GM Mode finally made its long-anticipated return in WWE 2K22, now called MyGM. As one of the most beloved and requested modes by the fans, GM mode hadn't appeared in the main series since SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 after debuting in SVR2006.

While it lacked in some aspects in its WWE 2K22 rendition (such as available match types and titles), the mode has been further expanded in WWE 2K23, as well as WWE 2K24, with several new and upgraded features.

As we've detailed in our in-depth guide to MyGM, the mode has a lot of interesting features, but you might be wondering: how does the new iteration of WWE 2K's MyGM stack up against the GM Mode from classic SmackDown vs. Raw games? What's better? What's worse?

We wondered as well, so we decided to create this ultimate comparison between MyGM and GM Mode. We spent a lot of time analyzing every single feature and minute detail of all appearances of GM Mode in SVR2006, SVR2007, and SVR2008, and we put together this side-by-side comparison table to see what are the similarities and differences with WWE 2K22, WWE 2K23 and WWE 2K24's MyGM.

We studied and compared all features and options across all 6 games, including Setup of the GM mode, available Superstars, Draft, Roster Management & Stats, Titles & Rivalries, Show Booking & Playing, Reports & Ratings, and more. Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

GM Mode Setup

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Brand Choice between... 6 brands (Raw / SD / NXT / NXT 2.0 / WCW / ECW) 5 brands (Raw / SD / NXT / NXT 2.0 / WCW) 4 brands (Raw / SD / NXT / NXT UK) 3 brands (Raw / SD / ECW) 2 brands (Raw / SD) 2 brands (Raw / SD)
N. of Brands going Head to Head 2-4 2-4 2 3 2 2
Co-Op Play (Local Only) 4 Players 4 Players 2 Players 3 Players 2 Players 2 Players
Choose Your General Manager * * *
Created Superstar as your GM
GM Mode Duration 25 Weeks
Unlimited Years
25 Weeks
Unlimited Years
15 / 25 / 50 weeks
Single Season
52 Weeks
Unlimited Years
52 Weeks
Unlimited Years
52 Weeks
Unlimited Years
Difficulty Setting
Multiple Save Slots

*General Managers:

  • SVR2006: GM is not shown
  • SVR2007: Raw has Shane, SD has Teddy Long
  • SVR2008: Raw has The Coach, SD has Teddy Long, ECW has Tommy Dreamer
  • WWE 2K: Custom Selection between In-Game GMs + Created Superstar

Superstars & Draft

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Choose Available Superstars
Set characters as Legends
Use Created Superstars Yes, custom popularity Yes, custom popularity Yes, custom popularity Yes, but low popularity Yes, but low popularity Yes, but low popularity
Customizable Stats All Stats All Stats All Stats Face/Heel Roles Only Face/Heel Roles Only
Customizable Attributes Only Created Superstars
Import Created Stables
Starting Budget Customizable Customizable $2,750,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000
Starting Draft
Draft Rounds 9-15 9-15 8-15 12-20 12-20 12-20
Skip Draft (Use Pre-Assigned Rosters)

Roster Management & Stats

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Roles (Face / Heel)
Superstar Classes
Stamina / Fatigue
Morale Level & Requests
Superstar XP & Ranks
Superstar's Match Specialty
Mic Skill / Promo Skill
Superstars Stats Info
Win/Loss Records
Sign Free Agents
Sign Legends
Sign Enhancement Talent
Talent Scouts *
Contract Cost
Contract Duration Choice * * *
Release Superstars
Trade Superstars with other Brands
Draft After WrestleMania

*In WWE 2K's MyGM Drafted Superstars receive permanent contracts, while Free Agents/Legends come with preset contract durations. In WWE 2K24, Superstars hired via Talent Scout will let you decide their contract lenght.

Titles & Rivalries

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Championship Titles per brand 5 5 4* 4 4 4
Main Title (WWE/World)
Midcard Title (IC/US)
Women Title
Tag Team Titles *
Women's Tag Titles *
Choose Starting Champions World Titles World Titles World Titles All Titles All Titles All Titles
Vacate Titles ??? ???
Power 25 Ranking
Max. N. of Rivalries - - - 8 10 10
Max Superstars per Rivalry 4 4 4 4 4 2
Rivalry Fan Reaction
Set Rivalry Length
Choose Storylines for Rivalries

*In WWE 2K22, the Tag Team Titles and Women's Tag Team Titles were added to the game with Patch 1.09 when playing on Medium & Hard difficulties.

Show Booking & Playing

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Pay Per Views 10 (All Crossbrand) 10 (All Crossbrand) 10 (All Crossbrand) 5 Monobrand + 4 Crossbrand 5 Monobrand + 4 Crossbrand 5 Monobrand + 4 Crossbrand
Weekly Shows Card Easy: 3 matches + 2 promos
Medium/Hard: 4 matches + 3 promos
Easy: 3 matches + 2 promos
Medium/Hard: 4 matches + 3 promos
Easy: 3 matches + 2 promos
Medium/Hard: 4 matches + 3 promos
5 matches + 2 promos Raw/SD: 6 matches + 2 promos
Heat/Velocity: 3 matches
6 matches + 2 promos
Pay Per View Card Easy: Each brand has 4 matches + 3 promos
Medium/Hard: Each brand has 5 matches + 4 promos
Easy: Each brand has 4 matches + 3 promos
Medium/Hard: Each brand has 5 matches + 4 promos
Easy: Each brand has 4 matches + 3 promos
Medium/Hard: Each brand has 5 matches + 4 promos
5 matches in total Monobrand: 6 matches
Crossbrand: Each brand has 3 matches
Monobrand: 6 matches
Crossbrand: Each brand has 3 matches
WrestleMania Card Each brand has 5 Matches + 4 Promos Each brand has 5 Matches + 4 Promos Each brand has 5 Matches + 4 Promos 5 matches in total 5 matches in total 5 matches in total
Run B-Show (Heat / Velocity)
Match Types 1v1, 2v2, 3-way, 4-way 1v1, 2v2, 3-way, 4-way Only 1v1 & 2v2 All combinations All combinations All combinations
Match Rules All Match Rules Most Match Rules Normal / Tables / Extreme Rules / TLC / HIAC All Match Rules All Match Rules All Match Rules
Title Match
Promo Types 8 types 5 types 5 types 15 types 15 types 11 types
Cost per Match & Promo
Auto-Book Show
PPV Specific Matches*
Match Playing Play / Simulate / Spectate Play / Simulate / Spectate Play / Simulate / Spectate Play / Simulate / Spectate Play / Simulate / Spectate Play / Simulate / Spectate
Choose Attires ??? ???
Choose Winner Only with Power Card Only with Power Card Only with Power Card
Spectator Camera Angles
Watch Promos
Simulate Entire Show

*PPV Specific Matches: eg. Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber

Logistics & Side Activities

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Cities / Locations
Choose Arena Venue / Size
Choose Crew
Choose Special Effects
Advertising / Promotional Activities
Training Exercises *

*WWE 2K24 features a Training Promo Type, which allows to increase the selected Superstar's Ring XP.

Reports & Ratings

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Match Rating
Show Rating
Revenue Tracking
Fans Tracking
Fans Progression Graph
Total Available Fans Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 9,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Merchandise Revenue
News Feed / Journal
Social Media Feed
View Rival Show's Ratings
View Calendar / Schedule
View Previous Shows Cards
Simulate Days in Calendar

Other Features

FeatureWWE 2K24WWE 2K23WWE 2K22SVR 2008SVR 2007SVR 2006
Superstar Stats visible in Matchmaking
Superstar Messages / Emails Yes, with Replies Yes, with Replies Yes, with Replies Yes, Read-only Yes, Read-only Yes, Read-only
Commissioner Messages Yes, with Replies
(Triple H)
Yes, with Replies
(Triple H)
Yes, with Replies
(Triple H)
Yes, Read-only
(JR / JBL / Tazz)
Yes, Read-only
(JR / Tazz)
Yes, Read-only
(JR / Tazz)
Goals & Challenges
Hall of Fame
Power Cards
Affect Rival Show*
Reward Slammy Awards Slammy Awards Achievement + MyFaction Card GM of the Year Award + Extra Options GM of the Year Award + Extra Options GM of the Year Award
Starting Video Video Package Video Package Video Package Intro Cutscene
Ending Video ??? ??? Video Package Award Ceremony Cutscene Award Ceremony Cutscene

*Affect Rival Show:

  • SVR2006/2007: via Slander Promo
  • SVR2008: via Brand Invasion Promo
  • WWE 2K22: via Power Cards
  • WWE 2K23: via Power Cards and Shake-Ups

WWE 2K MyGM vs. SvR GM Mode: Verdict

So what mode is better between WWE 2K23 / 2K22 MyGM and the old GM Mode from SmackDown vs. Raw? It's hard to tell.

The new 2K rendition of the mode does many things right and introduces a lot of interesting mechanics. However, there are some omissions as well. Here is a recap of the main Pros and Cons of WWE 2K's MyGM compared to the original GM Mode:

WWE 2K MyGM vs SvR GM Mode: Pros (New Features)

  1. Ability to choose General Manager (+ Created Superstar as GM)
  2. Ability to play with up to 4 players with 4 brands (added in WWE 2K23)
  3. All Superstar Stats can be customized prior to the mode
  4. Created Superstars can start with custom Popularity
  5. Ability to choose Show Logistics such as Arena Size, Crew, Special Effects, and Advertising
  6. Ability to sign Enhancement Talent and set characters as Legends
  7. A new Superstars Class system that dictates match quality
  8. Social Media Feed with fans' feedback
  9. Some PPV cards can actually have more matches than in the past
  10. Can set up Interference in matches with Superstars or with GM
  11. You can reply to messages from Superstars and Commissioner
  12. Power Cards with various effects on the show ratings or rival show
  13. You can now choose the winner of the match in some cases if you have the Power Card
  14. Ability to control camera angles when spectating/watching a match
  15. Seasonal Challenges, Career Progress, and Hall of Fame Awards (added in WWE 2K23)
  16. AI Difficulty Setting & Game Difficulty Setting
  17. Multiple Save Slots

WWE 2K MyGM vs SvR GM Mode: Cons (Missing Features)

  1. Match Types limitations (only 1v1 & 2v2 in WWE 2K22; missing 5-man/6-man/Handicap in WWE 2K23 & WWE 2K24)
  2. Match Rules limitations (just 5 stipulations in WWE 2K22; some omissions in WWE 2K23 & WWE 2K24)
  3. Card Size limitations (just 3 Matches + 2 Promos on Easy difficulty; 4 Matches + 3 Promos on Medium/Hard)
  4. Titles limitations (missing Midcard Titles in WWE 2K22; all titles available in subsequent games)
  5. It's not possible to vacate titles
  6. There are fewer Promo Types available
  7. Mode Duration limitations (max 1 year in WWE 2K22; unlimited seasons in WWE 2K23 & WWE 2K24, but each season is 25 weeks)
  8. Contract Duration options are only available for Free Agents/Legends, not for Drafted Superstar
  9. Can't Trade Superstars with other brands (this was added in WWE 2K24)
  10. You can't choose Storylines for Rivalries, or decide Rivarly Length
  11. There is no Power 25 Ranking
  12. There is no Calendar/Schedule to view
  13. It's not possible to view the cards and results of previous shows
  14. There are no Training Exercises for superstars (although this was seen as a tedious aspect in SVR2008)

What do you think about 2K's rendition of GM Mode? Do the Pros outweigh the Cons? Are you excited to play the mode or disappointed? Let us know in the comments below!

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