WWE 2K22 is in the home stretch. With just under a month until its release, we’re getting updates of some sort almost daily. And this is the Creators Corner, where we talk to you the community, about how you play (or plan to in this case) WWE 2K22!
We got a gameplay deep dive, Roster confirmations, or some Superstar overall reveals. However, with as much news as we’ve gotten, there are some things that have yet to be explained. The Creation Suite, one of the strongest features in the entire series, includes some of the features below:
- Creating a Superstar
- Creating an Arena
- Creating a Championship
- Universe Mode
- and, returning this year, MyGM
These features are pillars for content creation, as well as replayability and fantasy booking. Each mode would not be complete without the others.
With these features being important to many, we reached out to the WWE gaming community and found 3 content creators currently using WWE 2K19 that plan on making the jump come March 11th.
- BotchTV: Glimesh Content Creator hosting a variety of weekly shows with a mixture of characters from WWE, AEW, The Independents, and unique original CAWs
- FrostHero33: Twitch Content Creator hosting Weekly shows with viewer involvement, live commentary, and an original cast of CAWs
- BDT17: Twitch Content Creator, utilizing the PC version WWE 2K19 to create unique match types and narrative-driven storylines with original CAW creations.
Here’s some of their feedback on the Creation Suite and how they plan to use it for their content creation:
1. With the information that is currently known, how do you see your league evolving? (More shows, format changes, using a new mode like MyFaction or Universe Mode)
FrostHero33: I feel like so far Universe Mode has been the definitive mode to use for what we have, changing could be quite interesting but we'd have to wait and get everything in check first.
BDT17: I'm proud to state that the evolution of my wrestling league is independent of any game features! We strive to bring original match types and formats that the game itself does not provide, and we do it well!
2. During a recent interview, 2K implied that certain parts of the creation suite have been removed in place for more quality parts, in order to match the authenticity of the parts of WWE in-game Superstars. Do you feel this is a step forward or backward?
BDT17: Giving the peeps less of anything to work with will always be a step backward. I'm sure many of us remember the woes of being limited to 25 CAW slots in WWE 2k15. Customization will always be the best feature of any wrestling game, period.
3. So far Universe mode has not been mentioned outside of screenshots and a mention of Superstar Mode. Are you looking for any new features that could improve the flow of your league?
BotchTV: I think having tournaments, and double title matches in-universe would help a lot because that way everything for my show and other creators' shows are under one mode and we don't have to worry about switching back and forth to do things for our shows in the exhibition just because Universe does not have the feature implemented.
4. Shared Community Creations is something a lot of the community has asked for. Do you feel this can lead to more collaboration between creators? Whether through Efeds, Esports, or just sharing CAWs/Arenas?
BotchTV: Cross-platform community creations, Man was I hyped just hearing about that feature. This opens up so many opportunities for creators, especially for E-feds. It just feels great that regardless of what platform you're on, you can still get your friend's creations on another platform.
Frosthero33: With community creations going for a cross-platform approach, I feel as if this is a big step in helping E-Feds grow in audiences. Collaborations could become more common as well because of this due to the fact there are so many E-Feds.
BDT17: It would certainly simplify the process of trading content back and forth between collaborators! No matter how you look at it, having shared creations is an absolute win!
5. GM Mode has been hinted at possibly being online (Co-op was confirmed in a recent 2K interview, while online is a bit complicated). Do you think Universe mode (Or something similar) going online would be a benefit to leagues?
FrostHero33: If GM mode were to possibly be online, we'd of course have to see how it'll work online firstly before any decisions regarding using the mode for that purpose could be made. Universe mode being online I feel would be a bit rough to implement considering it may not even be possible to use caws that we have gotten.
BDT17: Having GM Mode or Universe Mode as an online feature would be a lot more fun in an RP aspect. Just be careful that egos don't run wild, or people won't stick to just one Universe!
Great answers from 3 great creators. What are your plans for WWE 2K22? Are you creating your own League/Efed? What are your thoughts on the new changes and how will that affect your content (Private or Public)?
Thanks for the read! If you feel we should continue this, comment below and suggest some creators you like (Even yourself)!