The new WWE 2K18 1.06 Patch is being sent out for Xbox One and PS4! (PC already released in December)
Approximate Size: 1GB.
Below you can see a list of some of the fixes in this update. It also adds support for the "Enduring Icons" DLC Pack ahead of release!
PS4, Xbox One, PC:
- It's now possible to put an opponent through the roof of the Hell in A Cell using a regular move.
- Highlight Reel now features the name of the selected target.
- Championships now show in WWE Universe Mode match card graphics.
- Community Creations search results now show whether creations includes unlockable or DLC content.
- Ladders no longer briefly float after they have been knocked over by a move during a match.
- Fixed a soft crash when going into MyPlayer/MyCareer, then backing out to the main menu and re-entering.
- Fixed an issue where the host loses all functionality in private matches.
- Fixed non-functional run-in options after installing DLC.
- Fixed an issue with rope break failing to be called during certain pin combos.
- Fixed an issue of the superstars popping up in mid-air when attempting to perform a pin during the Avalanche Angle Slam sell animation in a match.
- Fixed some corrupted textures on Superstars.
- Fixed an issue with Titus O'Neil Theme Song now being playable in the Jukebox.
Xbox One Specific:
- Fixed an issue where the game will fail to join the host’s lobby when signed out of the active user profile in-game.
Plus, various other general bug fixes throughout the game.