IGN has published their first hands-on impression of WWE 2K18. The article, confirms the previously unannounced AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and - making his debut in the series - the "Glorious" Bobby Roode, as part of the WWE 2K18 Roster, and talks about 6 additional gameplay improvements that were made in WWE 2K18, aimed toward delivering a more realistic experience.
"Die-hard wrestling fans know that there's nothing quite like the art of pro-wrestling. It's not something you can easily replicate in a game since the matches - even the most basic ones - can contain so many moving parts that they wind up resembling a hybrid of a fight, a dance, a partnership, and a story. WWE 2K18’s Executive Producer, Mark Little, is determined to chip away at this beast until the ultimate experience of working a fully realized and complex wrestling match is created."
Quick Pins and Interference Scenarios
A new feature meant to enhance both gameplay and story, is the "quick pin" - the idea that one player can land a schoolboy roll-up or a crucifix-style leverage pin, ending a bout quickly, just like the matches on TV sometimes. To aid this, there are now 12 different new match interference scenarios - from run-ins to walk-ins to just entrance music playing - that will create a targeted distraction and open up a quick pin window. After the bell, the loser, still with full energy, will then have the option of beating down whoever it was that just scored the "fluke win."
The art of selling a move, from basic takedowns to devastating drops, was also part of 2K18's touch ups, with over 80 new animations added - new "sells" - to really bring out the specific personalities and movements of the superstars. Coupled with this is a new match directive that dictates, based on time and various energy levels, the intensity of the sell.
Kick Out System
Players will also find that kicking out has gotten a little trickier. One thing that avid franchise fans noted, coming out of 2K17, was that it was too easy to predict when to click the X or A button to prevent a pinfall. Now the kick-out window placement is not only harder to predict, but the speed of the rotation quickens depending on the strength of the executed move.
Carry and Drag System
Depending on the size and strength of your superstar, and your opponent (naturally), you can lift your foe and hold them up (in four different positions - Cradle, Powerbomb, Fireman, On-The-Shoulder) and carry them to an interactive landing spot (ring steps, corner buckles, outside ringpost, etc) and - WHAM! So, for example, Kevin Owens' powerbomb on the ring apron and Seth Rollins' "Buckle Bomb" are now part of the new list of inventive offensive maneuvers for other superstars. This new Grapple/Carry system also lends more realism to Big Man/Little Man matches.
Elimination Chamber Improvements
A new overhaul was made within the context of the Elimination Chamber match, in which the AI creates space within the ring, alleviating the usual chaos, so that pinfalls could be attempted and signature moves could land.
Graphics and Lighting
As expected, with a new installment of the WWE 2K franchise comes a bump up in the graphics department, and while the new upgrade to sourced lighting, along with skin/hair texturing and refinement, doesn't "mechanically" help create a more gratifying match, it's still a crucial element. Players will undoubtedly note the more pronounced, enhanced lighting on the superstars that work to highlight their physiques and costuming.
Credits: IGN.com
For more on WWE 2K18, visit our News Section for all the details on the game, and the Roster Page to see all the Superstars confirmed so far!