WWE 2K has just revealed on the official forum the Alternate Versions of the Superstars confirmed so far for WWE 2K18.
They have also clarified which are different Character Slots and which are different Attires.
Each Line = Different Slot
"/" = Different Attire
[UPDATE] We now updated this list with additional Alternate Version revealed subsequently.
- Big Boss Man ‘91
- Big Boss Man ‘99
- Big Show (current)
- Big Show ‘00
- Bret “Hitman” Hart ‘97
- Bret “Hitman” Hart ‘98
- Cactus Jack ’92
- Cactus Jack ‘98
- Dude Love
- Mankind
- DDP ‘92
- DDP ‘98
- Chris Jericho (current)
- Chris Jericho ‘00
- Finn Balor
- Finn Balor Demon
- Kane / Corporate Kane (current)
- Kane ‘98
- Kevin Nash
- Diesel
- Michael “PS” Hayes ‘86 / Michael “PS” Hayes ‘92
- Ric Flair ‘88
- Ric Flair ‘91
- Ricky Steamboat ‘91
- Ricky Steamboat ‘94
- Scott Hall
- Razor Ramon
- The Godfather
- Papa Shango
- The Rock
- The Rock '01
- Triple H (current)
- Triple H ‘01
- Triple H’ 98
- The Undertaker (current)
- Undertaker ’91 / Undertaker ’98 / Undertaker ’99 Ministry of Darkness
- Undertaker ‘00
We will be adding all these Confirmed Characters Profiles to our Roster Section soon.
In regards to Mick Foley, it's still unclear whether the regular version of "Mick Foley" is playable or not.
For more info on WWE 2K18 check out the News Section and the WWE 2K18 Roster Page!