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Since there are many Twitter updates this year I decided to make a monthly thread about this kind of news.
I'll update this topic every day hoping that the SDH community will help me posting here more twitter updates.

Special thanks to RKHT8709, HeartBreakKid and TheRebelliousOne for the updates!

- September updates HERE
- August updates HERE

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Q: "Can U Defend Titles in Exhibiton like in SVR 2010?????"
RealCoryLedesma "Yes!!"

Q: "Lol @RealCoryLedesma Hey Broski does standard shipping = release day delivery? got 2 TPE orders in but i need the game day 1!"
RealCoryLedesma "not sure check w/ @stephensonmc"

RealCoryLedesma "Seems like @stephensonmc has been revamped + improved to 2.0 version. Bigger, Badder, Better. We might not have to fire him this time. #ikid"

Q: "Cory!!!!!!!!!! was tht annoying ringing noise whn you hit a signature and finisher removed???"
RealCoryLedesma "nope. Thats the sound of your eardrum being shattered from a GTS"

Q: "damn.and lol.hey do you think its evn possible to ever add create your own chant to a wwe game in the future?"
RealCoryLedesma "Anythings possible but we have bigger plans."

Q: "I mean In WWE'12 will Maryse keep her Minitron/Sidetron ? I hope so :'("
RealCoryLedesma "Not changing anything now."

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 "@RandyOrton: Bus in NYC. pic.twitter.com/B5YkzST6""

Q: "Can We Edit Superstars This Year Or Even Their Attires? Reply Please."
RealCoryLedesma "No. Superstar threads only."

Q: "Can you clarify this for me (PLEASE)? Can I make thur a indepent show and assign tittles to that brand? #WWE12"
RealCoryLedesma "No, only Monday and Friday."

Q: "Damn that sucks, are you guys looking into it for next year?"
RealCoryLedesma "Lots of cool stuff next year too."

Q: "When does #WWE12 comes out in europe i read november 25 then i read november 28 #damnyouinternet"
RealCoryLedesma "Should be 25th."

Q: "Hey cory does wwe 12 have superstar threads? Please reply."
RealCoryLedesma "Yes."

Q: "Will a guest be able to play #WWE12 online with you?"
RealCoryLedesma "Not this year. Very costly to do. Still looking into it."

Q: "In a WWE'12 video i think i remember seeing a superstar in triple h's king of king's throne, did i and how can i find it?"
RealCoryLedesma "It was a cutscene with the Miz in RTWM."

Q: "Hey Cory one more question is cenas attire ''rise above hate'' going to be in the game?"
RealCoryLedesma "Nope. Too Late."

Stephensonmc "#FF some of the community leaders of @WWE '12: @CharlesShane, @RAWFShowtime, @mikeGamingRing, @TheSDHotel, @SFX_Cow, @godfree, @ExtremeGamer"

Stephensonmc "#FF (cont'd) @WWE '12 Community Leaders @JBHuskers, @WhoisDo, @LegendsForum"

Stephensonmc "yes, you can change the PPV name in Universe. I changed "WrestleMania" for instance."

Q: "yeah, did you guys like TOTALLY forget Tamina and The Usos? ive wanted them since SVR 2011 DLC."
Stephensonmc "Didn't "forget." Just didn't get in."

Q: "Will you incorperate General Manager mode into WWE '13 when you make it please?"
Stephensonmc "We're always thinking about that. We know it's one of the most heavily requested things. (GM mode)"

Q: "Can You Change Attires For Current Wrestlers In The Game?"
Stephensonmc "if they have a second attire, or you could use SS threads."

Q: "Are you gonna do the divas inside the ring ? (="
Stephensonmc "Not yet. Working on an idea. Stay tuned."


Q: "Can you take Cody Rhodes's mask of in WWE12, and use it as a weapon??"
Stephonsonmc "Not this year, but cool!"

Q: "Can champions be injured in Universe? Is there a cut scene for it?"
Stephensonmc "I have to check this out. One of my favorite questions from last night."

Q: "Can we have the MITB match at Mania or any other PPV instead of the MITB PPV?"
Stephensonmc "Just MITB at MITB"

Q: "Do we get 2004 half mask kane this year? By far the best kane era. Thanks =)"
Stephensonmc "No alt attire for Kane."

Q: "Can we rearrange the order in which the PPVs take place? Like have Extreme Rules in September if we wanted? Or WM in December?"
Stephensonmc "Using show editor, technically yes (b/c you can use the available arenas)."

Q: "Can we change the participants in a MitB match and have it still for the briefcase? That's a big one for me."
Stephensonmc "Yes."

Q: "I'm guessing that any ppvs with special events that have implications like the Jan. (RR) or July (MITB) ppvs can't be moved?"
Stephensonmc "Not sure. Are you actually going to do this, or are you just trying to ask questions no one else has? I'll Check Though :)"

Q: "Good morning. we herad lot about player interfering into com vs com match...but comp still interfere in player(s) matches?"
Stephensonmc "Yep."

Q: "The wwe championship, will the wwe championship now be contested on smackdown under there ranking system?"
Stephensonmc "As long as you have a championship tied to a brand, it will stay there until you untie it. (which you can) And No, You'll Be On Raw."

Q: "For WWE'13 could you make it so that you can make a fight spill in to the backstage area? That would be amazing!!! RT"
Stephensonmc "We're exploring. We'll see what we can accomplish."

Q: "Dumb question but would kurt angle be in the game?"
Stephensonmc "No."

Q: "Sorry but.. there's an error int he championship list.. it lists the WCW WHC, but why isn't there a picture of it?"
Stephensonmc "That's the list I was given, Brah."

Q: "Right.. but what I mean is.. there are pics of the classic and normal version, but in the text, only classic is mentioned?"
Stephensonmc "Gotcha, thanks. It's just an error. Trying to match the list w/ the pic. The pic is right :)"


Q: "Will John Cena's rise above hate attire be in WWE '12?
stephensonmc "nope."

Q: "Is the WWE Undisputed Championship (the one Brock held) in WWE '12?"
stephensonmc "not sure, man. Consider me clueless until I have the build again. Played so long ago, things weren't close to being finished.

Q: "Does it have to be overnight shipping to get release day delivery on #WWE12 or does the FREE Standard do it too?
stephensonmc "not sure at the moment. Will ask."

Q: "Why didn't create a title ever come back?"
stephensonmc "always in consideration. Not a matter of if, but when."

Q: "What do you personally think of WWE12???"
stephensonmc "I'll let you know after I play the build."

stephensonmc "Your passion for wanting to know things at a ridiculous level is what drives me. If I have that same passion, we're on the same page."

Q: "Any chance of a demo coming out? #WWE12"
stephensonmc "No plans."

Q: When are you playing the build? This is going to be the game that people will call the WWE game of the millennium"
stephensonmc " I should've left by now. My wife thestorialist has the car."

stephensonmc "Finished writing the WWE '12 DLC article. It was fun, and a trip down memory lane. #WWE12"

Q: "I have a feeling that today's DLC reveals are all Divas...#justsayin"
stephensonmc "nope."

Q: "What does DLC mean?"
stephensonmc "downloadable content."


RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 DLC First Item: http://t.co/ZU4Jy7aO

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 DLC Second Item: http://t.co/dlPuCEcz

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 DLC: Classic Shawn Michaels, Jim Ross playable, Michael Cole playable http://t.co/Eg3V6hxh

Q: "you are so greedy man, if you already made dlc characters and game isn't even out why not didn't you put them in the game????"
RealCoryLedesma "Doesn't work that way dude. DLC takes 3+ months to make."

Q: "Wow that's awful.. I was having high hopes for this game and then that is the DLC..disgusted guess there is always next year."
RealCoryLedesma "little dramatic dude. Still plenty more to be announced."

Q: "How aobut the request of your fans from Thailand & Philippines? #WWE12 for PSP?"
RealCoryLedesma "Not happening, sorry."


Q: "DLC is a waste of money. Why should we pay 60 bucks for a game and then pay another 20-40 for add ons?"
THQ_Tank "first of all, our DLC doesn't total $20, 2nd, not going there, DLC extends a game and isn't free to make #theend"

Q: "Please answer if there are other moves that can be performed from 2nd rope position besides 619? Seen it asked 1,000 times now."
THQ_Tank "I actually do not know at this present hour, find out tomorrow, need a refresher."

Q: "Are any divas gonna be revealed today? No one cares about Cole and JR."
THQ_Tank "Nope. No Divas to reveal today."


THQ_Tank "It could happen, it WILL happen in @WWE '12 @DCBROCKLESNAR Wrestlemania entrance"

THQ_Tank "Next week we will do Universe mode specials on our website followed by Inside the Ring the following week, will get all answered, stay tuned"

Q: "if Your doing a Q&A one question should be will Jeff hardy be in WWE 12 because if he lots of other ppl like me will be rlly happy"
THQ_Tank "he is not"

Q: "will we be getting any video of the draft in WWE 12 before it comes out"
THQ_Tank "would like to show this"

THQ_Tank "My @WWE partner in crime is reuniting with me officially Monday, it's Hammer time! We are going to bring it...BRING IT"

Q: "How many current Divas are DLC?"
THQ_Tank "I predict next week has a good shot at being a favorable week for you"

Q: "So what's the deal, does Marcus only work for THQ part of the year or is it a permanent return?"
THQ_Tank "permanent return...it's a very big and meaningful deal to me...and him"

Q: "Is there a chance Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels might be in DLC?"
THQ_Tank "yes there is a chance, percentage though can't say"

Q: "Will there be surverys again this year to help with next years game? I got some ideas I think would help the game."
THQ_Tank "we will absolutely survey the @WWEGames community for the next game, you guys are crucial"

Q: "is there any chance for @The305MVP to be in #WWE 12 as DLC????"
THQ_Tank "unfortunately not this year, much love for him though"

Q: "YOU NEVER ANSWER VERY URGENT Where can I pre order The PAL version of the People Edition to Portugal and Romania?"
THQ_Tank "you'll need to order from an EU retailer such as GAME, it's being sold in-store in EU, will update our sell page"


Q: "you can create a belt, have a show on any day of the week, something mentioned about Macho Man,"
THQ_Tank "any DLC legends we have not confirmed is rumor, will post up further Universe clarifiers tday"

THQ_Tank "Watch the new @WWE '12 Inside the Ring - Mastering the Grapple featuring Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan w/ an intro special"

Q: "i saw it i still wish that you would have put in their entrance to make it more special"
THQ_Tank "their entrances are already online, we wanted to get right to the point"

Q: "when is a universe video coming out? btw rtwm is AMAZING!!! good feedback"
THQ_Tank "our next Inside the Ring will be universe focused, at least a week and a half away, but will do more before"

Q: "Can we hold our submission moves even if the opponent reaches the ropes? :)"
THQ_Tank "no you cannot"

Q: "is it true you can create your own Brand/Show?"
RealCoryLedesma "yes!"

RealCoryLedesma "Are you ready for #WWE12 DLC announcements next week? We will have our first roll-out of content coming. A couple of drops each week."

RealCoryLedesma "Create your own show in #WWE12 Universe!! Plus the WWE Draft, Injuries, User Interference, Anytime Title Matches, New Storylines and more!!"

RealCoryLedesma "New Streamlined Match Flow in #WWE12 Universe allows u to go from match to match to match in the same card without going back to the menu."

Q: "But if needed, we can still go back to the menu easily?"
RealCoryLedesma "sure can!"


THQ_Tank "I am alive people, been hibernating the last two days, big days start today for @WWE '12 RTWM reveals @IGN"

THQ_Tank "First reveal of @WWE '12 Road to Wrestlemania @IGN http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/121/1210005p1.html, yes, it's fresh this year"

Q: "Tell Cory thanks for lying to us. He said specifically that RTWM & Universe would be revealed today. Not just RTWM. :("
THQ_Tank "he did not lie, all the PR outlets revealing stories were given info about Universe mode, not all may discuss it, up to them"

Q: "To be honest people want to hear about and care the most about Universe 2.0 more than RTWM."
THQ_Tank "totally here, we will share Universe details well enough before launch, I know the feeling"

Q: "So this year we'll have only 1 RTW instead of 5/6 but with 3 big storylines, right ? @WWE12"
THQ_Tank "That is correct, it allowed us to focus on quality over quantity which ALWAYS wins"

Q: "Big days start today". Does that mean we have something else coming in the next few days...?"
THQ_Tank "no, it means these next 5 weeks are going to blow your mind with the amount of info coming at you to launch"

THQ_Tank "Guys, the press outlets that attended our event may or may not share Universe details, is up to them, I have a community story planned soon"

Q: "Would you consider doing a DLC road to wrestlemania? Btw, the IGN RTW looks amazing though, can't wait! #WWE12"
THQ_Tank "I think in the future, more expanded DLC beyond characters is certainly possible, not for WWE '12"

THQ_Tank "Next @WWE '12 Inside the Ring will debut on Thursday - Grappling special starring Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan"

Q: "Did you create a funky arena to show off for it?"
THQ_Tank "yes, one built from the fires of hell"

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 Road To WrestleMania reveal: xbox360.ign.com/articles/121/1…"

RealCoryLedesma "Embargo for Universe news lifts tomorrow, meaning any news outlet that was at our event can post about Universe. So bad to wait 1 more day?"

RealCoryLedesma "Flame away. Sorry, these things happen. Road to WrestleMania today. Universe 2.0 tomorrow. #WWE12 November 22."

RealCoryLedesma "eventually there will be. Not tomorrow."

RealCoryLedesma "WCW Nitro and Clash of Champions arenas are real. Not made in Create-An-Arena. WCW portion of the story rocks as well. #WWE12"

Q: "guys .. u need to do something w/ this info release.. its SUCKS ! we don't like to play your games.."
RealCoryLedesma "I take the blame. It's my fault."

Q: "Can you import your own logos to CAA?"
RealCoryLedesma "absolutely, using the Paint Tool."

RealCoryLedesma "IGN article had a small mistake. Triple H is the "Outsider" and the CAS is the "Hero". Just to clear things up."

Q: "Also Sheamus isn't from the UK. But I hope it's address within the story itself. :)"
RealCoryLedesma "yes, it's just supposed to signify the European Superstars joining forces."


Q: "Y2J!"
THQ_Tank "you guys take my metaphors way too literally, i'm referring to someone who will be working with me again starting in 1-week"

Q: "ANY CHANCE of Stephanie McMahon in wwe12 or wwe13 as a legend"
THQ_Tank "no chance"

THQ_Tank "We pulled a change order of slights, our next Inside the Ring will be focusing on our improved grapple system - Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan"

THQ_Tank "RTWM details will be spilling out all over this week, likely earlier this week"

Q: "I ask the same question over and over and you ignore me???? REALLY? REALLY? REALLY? Does JoMo have a new SP?"
THQ_Tank "he does not have a new SP this year, same one as '11"

THQ_Tank "We pulled a change order of slights, our next Inside the Ring will be focusing on our improved grapple system - Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan"

THQ_Tank "RTWM details will be spilling out all over this week, likely earlier this week"


RealCoryLedesma "At LAX, heading to Japan to visit Yukes for a week. Not about #WWE12, but the future. So much to do and so little time."

Q: "Is MVP in? Heres a wallpaper going around is it legit? http://pic.twitter.com/uEk3tl0A"
RealCoryLedesma "not legit"

Q: "can you please tell me is the graphics of WWE 12 on Nintendo Wii good as on Xbox or very bad like SvR 2011 on PSP..??"
RealCoryLedesma "Xbox 360 and PS3 have much better graphics."

Q: "Sir, Promotion Is Going Well...One Question- Is It Possible To Pick Sidetron From One Superstar And Minitron From Other?"
RealCoryLedesma "unfortunately, no."

Q: "In store demo ONLY?? To quote The Miz: Really?? Really? Really? Really? Beyond lame if true.."
RealCoryLedesma "I dont make those decisions. At least it's in stores."

Q: "OMG!!!!!!!!! @THQ_Tank CONFIRMED KHARMA IS IN!!!!!!"
THQ_Tank "Saying Kharma is our receptionist was a metaphor for don't approach our front door"


THQ "#WWE12: The People's Edition is available to pre-order now in the UK from @playcom, get it here - thq.me/l2F"

THQ_Tank "in the word of Vince McMahon, no chance"

Q: "I'm TIRED OF WAITING! There HAS to be a way to play #WWE12 before release!"
THQ_Tank "you'll be able to play it in retail stores closer to launch, details soon"

Q: "someone on wwe games forum is claiming that cory did a interview with a magazine and said there is another mystery wrestler,"
THQ_Tank "we have 13 mystery wrestlers left if you want to call it that, will be revealed before launch"

Q: "is Brock Lesnar's entrance next week going to be in the WrestleMania 27 Arena?? :)"
THQ_Tank "I think we can make that happen, good idea"

Q: "Hey PLS Answer Me...I Have Been Asking This Question For Very Long Time....Is WWE'12 Gonna Be Ever Released For Nokia N8 HD Games?"
THQ_Tank "no, sorry:

Q: "is special ref match in?please answer!"
THQ_Tank "not this year"

Q: "but with the superstar threads editer u can prbly make sin cara black"
THQ_Tank "indeed you can make Sin Cara black and also adjust Mark Henry"

THQ_Tank "Cool discovery, if you assign Mark Henry the entrance for Ezekiel Jackson in WWE '12, it works perfectly as his current heel entrance"


THQ_Tank "@DCBROCKLESNAR slams @steveaustinBSR with the F5 in @WWE '12 in the Wrestlemania arena...it could happen!"

THQ_Tank "We will be putting up @DCBROCKLESNAR entrance next week, today is F5 Friday, I say we make that a new trending topic"


RealCoryLedesma "Just saw a rough cut of the #WWE12 TV commercial with @RandyOrton. It's obviously awesome and will get u crazy hyped for the game. Nov. 22nd"

Q: "can u upload custom videos/titantrons to WWE '12?"
THQ_Tank "you cannot upload custom videos/titantrons"

Q: "how about video gameplay & matches like IGN use to in past games..svr 2009.IGN gave us a simulate match weekly.."
THQ_Tank "that is a cool idea, we'll do our best to pump out assets as often as we can"

THQ_Tank "We're spending the next 2 days with (6) of our best @WWEGames community players squashing exploits in @WWE '12, they are here to bring it!"

Q: "whats up tank i got a question for u in wwe 12 do u think there will be a dlc for create a title"
THQ_Tank "not this year, but we've always loved that idea"

THQ_Tank "@DCBROCKLESNAR is a FREE Superstar in @WWE '12, he is on the regular roster, you unlock him in the game"

THQ_Tank "All of the remaining mystery spots on our @WWE '12 roster (13 to be exact) are DLC, TBD on announcements, but before launch"

THQ_Tank "We're changin up our Inside the Ring a bit, capturin Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan in a special created arena, also showcasing new grappling"

Q: "wack that the game isn't even out and ur talking about dlc characters. Why not put them in the game & make it worth our money"
THQ_Tank "the industry disagree, DLC is added content we take extra time to do, it doesn't mean we have the same time to include"

Q: "please answer: ONLINE PASS for WWE`12? in PS3 & Xbox360 ?"
THQ_Tank "yes, we have the same online pass for @WWE '12 as last year, will formally announce details soon, but same thing"

Q: "Hey Tank, when are we getting any info whatsoever about the create modes? haven't heard a thing even mentioned about it yet."
THQ_Tank "we've discussed here and there, will focus again on it early next month, one thing at a time"

Q: "no it should be Lesnar vs cara"
THQ_Tank "we'll be doing a @DCBROCKLESNAR Inside the Ring, just not this one, BTW, that is a very...very unfair matchup"

THQ_Tank "Consumers are transparent to roster development proess for sports & fighting games and always have high expectations, incredibly challenging"

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 Fans: News on Universe 2.0 and Road to WrestleMania modes will be coming out Tuesday next week. Stay tuned. 40 days until release!!!"

Q: "i hope thats a hint at a next dlc hint hint wink wink yeaaahh buddie"
THQ_Tank "Razor Ramon, god bless him, is not in WWE '12, I was just sharing interesting content, unfortunately tragic"


THQ_Tank "Per higher powers that go well beyond my greatest power, will be starting the reveal of Brock's profile on Friday with some F5 greatness"

THQ_Tank "like I said, sometimes my greatest power is deflected, par for the course, don't despair"

THQ_Tank "The "here comes the pain" references, I expected an F5 amount of those my way"

THQ_Tank "Bryan and I are working on the next Inside the Ring today, cannot promise a date but we'll do our best to turn around"


RealCoryLedesma "Consider leaks a form of flattery I guess".

RealCoryLedesma "Our exciting #WWE12 Mystery Superstar reveal is tomorrow! Video coming! Who can it be?!?"

RealCoryLedesma "Brock just called me and asked if he really was in #WWE12. Told him he has to wait like everyone else". :/

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 Mystery Superstar Reveal is finally here..."

Q: "brock lesner is in the game if yes im pre-order right now?"
RealCoryLedesma "yes"

RealCoryLedesma "Follow closely now: Last 13 roster slots are DLC. Reveal of them will start towards the end of this month and carry over into early November"

RealCoryLedesma "@dcbrocklesnar had some pretty harsh words for @steveaustinBSR in his #WWE12 interviews. Surprised to see that much bad blood. Thoughts?"

Q: "Where can we find these interviews?"
RealCoryLedesma http://espn.go.com/espn/thelife/videogames...e-12-undertaker

THQ_Tank "I'd say this week is all about our final unveiled non-DLC superstar, and possibly another Inside the Ring if we finish it"

Q: "No offense; I get the WWE games every year, and I hold outright countdowns for them...but I am really irked about all the DLCs"
THQ_Tank "the DLC is this year is the best ever for @WWE game, hands down, you'll be pleased"

Q: "How come you guys don't create minitrons fot legends and alumni. They looks stupid coming out with the raw/sd logo behind theme".
THQ_Tank "we don't create mini-trons for guys who didn't have them"

THQ_Tank "NOW it's official, welcome back to @WWE '12 @DCBROCKLESNAR"

THQ_Tank "@DCBROCKLESNAR is not DLC, he is on the regular @WWE '12 roster, we still have an impressive DLC lineup to reveal starting later this month"

Q: "I so wanted @RealCoryLedesma and @THQ_Tank answer me, but it seems impossible" :S
THQ_Tank "today is about @DCBROCKLESNAR , not about the Divas, later this month broski"

Q: "is it truly impossible for Yokozuna to be in this game cuz "he weighed too much"?
THQ_Tank "negative, that was related to our tech in @WWE All Stars, for @WWE '12, it's a matter of approvals, priority, etc"

THQ_Tank "@DCBROCKLESNAR talks Undertaker & @steveaustinBSR, & @WWE '12, this is an F5 type of interview @ESPN" http://espn.go.com/espn/thelife/videogames...e-12-undertaker

Q: "I made 918263549012397463 questions for you, you could answer? hahah"
RealCoryLedesma "I can talk about DLC yet. 2 more weeks, ok".


Q: "You NEVER answer my questions! Could you please answer this one? Can you make a wwe 12 demo?"
RealCoryLedesma "there's no official comment on a demo yet. Sorry".

Q: "Has the PS3 custom theme volume issue been fixed in WWE12? Or is the custom music still way louder than it should be?"
RealCoryLedesma "still having problems with it. trying to address it in a patch maybe".

Q: "I thought u were telling the truth, because u said that the next inside the ring video will be up on my B-day then u change it".
THQ_Tank " don't recall saying that, we're behind on the next ITR for @WWE '12, targeting this coming week"

Q: "hey Tank can you give us some more updates about RTWM and Universe mode????"
THQ_Tank "that is all coming over the next 2 weeks"


RealCoryLedesma "If you're not representing any of our #WWE12 wallpapers, you should be. New ones rolling out each week. http://wwe.thq.com/go/article/view/250659/...allpapers"

Q: "Big Bill should be in WWE12...you got all the other trainers in, why not the humorous one?!?!"
THQ_Tank "I agree, not my decision ;o("

Q: "So, is the Air-Boom titantron, Entrance & theme gonna be in #WWE12?? These are the questions only you can answer @THQ_Tank shank youse :)"
THQ_Tank "they will not, out game was deep in finaling when they formed, next year if they still exist is possible"


RealCoryLedesma "Wrapped up the FCW event. Lot of fun. News on Road to WrestleMania and universe won't hit until 2 weeks. Mystery Superstar next week #WWE12"

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 designer Jon Durr showing the game to Sheamus. He says the pale skin tone is just right :)" http://campl.us/fJkC

Q: "Please, reveal the LayCool entrance and update the Glam Slam"
RealCoryLedesma "laycool will be posted very soon. No update to GlamSlam"

Q: "2 things which have changed/been delayed: Mystery Superstar was ment to be announced in Sept, and Laycool entrance"
RealCoryLedesma "delays happen. I've been good about keeping u guys up to date as much as I can".

Q: "Hey you didnt answer my question man it was a very serious one ,is the Internet Championship of Zack Ryders in WWE 12 ? lol"
RealCoryLedesma "I wish but sadly no. Didn't have time. #bummed"

Q: "you did say this year would be sooo much better for Diva fans. It's worse SO FAR , don't expect us to be happy".
THQ_Tank "you are welcome to send me a Diva list of wishes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., I've said this before, I'll say it again"

Q: "I don't think you could do anything about it. I know it's not you're fault Tank, but it's very annoying to me".
THQ_Tank "a lot of the improvements in @WWE '12 this year are because of community input that I facilitate, why i'm here, I take partial"

Q: "I don't think you could do anything about it. I know it's not you're fault Tank, but it's very annoying to me".
THQ_Tank "Frankly, aside from the Glam Slam animation, I want to get to the root of what's bothering the Diva fans, we still have more"

Q: "Quick ?: Do you guys have any pull when it comes to getting "release date delivery" from places like Amazon.com?"
THQ_Tank "you should get it day of release"

THQ_Tank "We'll be doing a couple more community Q&A's this month, have to prioritize bigger, better, badder things at the moment"

Q: "any chance hidden superstars will be revealed next week?"
THQ_Tank "50/50 mystery superstar will be revealed next week, I will not promise, I will not!!!!"

Q: "Will mini-trons be included in create an arena?!"
THQ_Tank "mini-trons are part of the custom entrance videos we've created that you can assign to your CAS"

Q: "Are we gonna get the info you released at FCW?"
THQ_Tank "yes, next week, will see what I can leak out, probably nada"

THQ_Tank "Let's set straight, we recognize the Diva fans, but when it comes to roster, you guys should know by now we don't have 100% control there"

THQ_Tank "We are unveiling a new cover for @WWE '12 tomorrow, exclusive to Mexico, is it Del Rio's destiny, real Sin Cara, or the Master of the 619?"

THQ_Tank "Just saw one of the coolest most bad ass epic entrances ever, I predict The Acension in our @WWE future #FCW"


RealCoryLedesma BOOM!! #WWE12 RT “@RandyOrton: Back in New Orleans to shoot the WWE'12 video game commercial.....let u know how it goes”

RealCoryLedesma "To be clear, I mentioned a month ago the Laycool entrance animation is in the game. I never said the entrance theme/tron/ringannounce was in"

RealCoryLedesma "Thanks for the corrections. Yes, we will be posting LayCool entrance animation soon. We had some hiccups with it. Please be patient. Thanks".

RealCoryLedesma "Lots of angry people out there. Just relax. Everything will be ok".

RealCoryLedesma "Mystery Superstar announcement in a few very short days. DLC announcements will begin before the end of this month and carry into Nov #WWE12"

RealCoryLedesma "The angry are a small vocal group, I know. Very hard to please them, but we're trying. Thanks to the rest of you that are supportive".

RealCoryLedesma "We're still going to try to post the LayCool and Create-An-Entrance Video movies shortly, so u have something to check out before DLC videos"

RealCoryLedesma "#WWE12 has been content locked for some time now to get it ready for stores. Cant expect something u saw on Raw the other nite b in the game"

Q: "small vocal group"? I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Diva fans. 90% of why I buy WWE games is because of the Divas. -_-"
RealCoryLedesma "I didnt say Diva fans Adam. I just mentioned angry fans. U assumed I meant Diva fans. Still angry non-Diva fans out there".

Q: "so what you mean is you dont give a shit about those fans and you expect no complaints"
RealCoryLedesma "didnt say that jack. I said we're trying our best. But getting angry is counter productive. some things are out of our control".

Q: "Still, I'm sick of this. As @CMPunkDODfan said before, you put more effort into Randy's beard than all the divas in #WWE12".
RealCoryLedesma "as other fans have pointed out, Orton's entrance is incorrect. So, its not just Diva related. Its hard to keep up"

Q: "although it is weird that you don't know the divas' theme songs LOL, you do watch WWE right? =/"
RealCoryLedesma "you do know that LayCool disbanded over 5 months ago right? you do watch WWE right?"

THQ_Tank "Trying to upload @UFC_Undisputed Q&A video and @WWE '12 roster videos right now, @youtube is killing me, uploading slower than molasses"

Q: "how are we supposed to believe you? You said it would be up yesterday :P"
THQ_Tank "I did, but and I apologize for that, we had some communication confusion, my eyes are dark red right now"

THQ_Tank "All this aggression about the Divas of @WWE '12, lets take a step back fellas, we hear you loud and clear, some upcoming details should help"

THQ_Tank "Bryan and I are working on the HIAC Inside the Ring for next week, not this week, FCW trip sidetracked us, duty calls, big week next week"


RealCoryLedesma "Heading out to Tampa, FL tomorrow for our #WWE12 Press Event at FCW. Unveiling full details on Road to WrestleMania and Universe 2.0! WWWYKI"

RealCoryLedesma "Mystery #WWE12 Superstar to be announced in one week! For real this time. If you havent pre-ordered yet, you should get on it!"

Q: "My GameStop Rep says they aren't doing The Peoples Edition...besides the website where do I preorder it"
RealCoryLedesma "only at wwe.thq.com"

Q: "i just wanna see Vader haha. Probably the guy I'm most pumped for than anyone".
RealCoryLedesma "he's a beast in the game. some designers say he's unstoppable :)"

Q: "so the pre-order I put in at GameStop can't be transferred over?"
RealCoryLedesma "no. one or the other".

Q: "did u check dat custom music bug? u said u'd do it and for me to check back with u"
RealCoryLedesma "i havent yet. sorry, super busy. asking the QA team now. give me some more time please".

Q: "im gonna try to catch it an send it to u"
RealCoryLedesma "pause issue seems to be fixed. volume issue is still happening on the 360".

Q: "Sir, I've Gone By Many Questions, Most Demanding Was To Change Colour Of Belt From White To Black. Any Update On It ?"
RealCoryLedesma "nope, just black. sorry".

Q: "hi cory can you tell me if the I quit match is in wwe12"
RealCoryLedesma "it is not in, sorry..."

THQ_Tank "The only Sin Cara in WWE '12 is the real Sin Cara"

THQ_Tank "RTWM info should start hitting next week, Universe mode later this month, I predict a good week next week"


RealCoryLedesma: "People asking whether or not u can swap out the IC titles in #WWE12. U can simply turn on or off any title you want. Both active, none or 1".

THQ_Tank: "This week we will complete the REVEALED @WWE '12 roster with some of the best - WCW Legends! YAHHHHHHH!"

Q: "will there be any 360 avatar items like last year?"
THQ_Tank: "YES, we have a VERY special 360 avatar item planned that will please a lot of fans I am sure, so very sure"

Q: "Frankly, the Divas are not being valued in the WWE '12 ):"
THQ_Tank: "Strongly disagree....strongly"

RealCoryLedesma: "Yes, the Classic Intercontinental Championship is in #WWE12!! One of the many new unlockable titles this year. However the strap isnt white."


Q: "will zack ryder have his internet championship in the game for next year"
THQ_Tank: "extreme possibility"


Q: "how comes as soon as john cena updates his look you add it but anyone else we have to wait but yet those people changed before"
THQ_Tank: "John Cena updates his look a lot earlier in our development process, its coincidental timing"

Q: "Hai! None of the WWE12 videos uploaded have commentary, is there any particular reason behind this? Or is it super-secret?"
THQ_Tank: "We turn off the commentary during the roster videos, mainly because they are so short and it sounds weird in such a short clip"

Q: "Less than two months left til release and people still expect you guys to produce massive character changes, unbelievable".
THQ_Tank: "its not unbelievable, we are making this game 365 days a year!"

Q: "are you still revealing every tues/fri after the initial roster is unlocked? #wwe12 #wwegames"
THQ_Tank "no, DLC reveals have their own PR timeline next month"

THQ_Tank: "sorry, I meant this month, forgot It's already October!"

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