The Wrestling Code is a game still in development by Virtual Basement and they have been hard at work on their "passion project." I had already mentioned how this game is going to be a contender in the wrestling genre and in this article I'm going to highlight a couple of reasons why I am right.

One of the biggest draws to this game is the large roster of legendary and independent talent they have already signed. It seems like every week they are adding new names to the list and with their plan to make Live Updates rather than a new game every year it is something that will continue to grow after release. I think what people should realize is the tremendous amount of detail and involvement these wrestlers are having as well. They aren't just grabbing names, snapping a couple of pictures, and stamping their name on a website. They are involved in building their own character in a way that works for both the game and the talent. Without a time crunch typical of the big names in gaming they are able to take their time to make The Wrestling Code truly unique.

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twc kurtangle2

The motion capture team is getting data from actual wrestlers and not just a signature move or two. Guys like Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, and Diamond Dallas Page can be seen selling fatigued motions or calling for tags, all in an attempt to get as much authentic animation as possible.

WWE has been building upon their collection of moves for decades and every year they add new motions, but it isn't always done by the talent themselves. There is even footage of motion-captured promos by the likes of Hassan and Crowbar. Even if a character in The Wrestling Code has 50% unique animations that's still an impressive array of moves.

What about unique people such as Zach Gowen? The one-legged wrestler who had a run in WWE in 2003? Is he going to get back in the ring and have an entirely unique move set? Most likely. That's the level of dedication they are going with. A fan had joked with them about having every variation of The Diamond Cutter and they admitted to being able to do the Finisher from every angle. That's huge.

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twc mocap angle

According to their Twitter account, Virtual Basement plans on making gameplay their focus for 2022, and in my opinion, that's where The Wrestling Code needs to make its biggest impact.

In order to not just be labeled a "WWE Clone", I think they need to come up with something revolutionary to really set them apart. Of course, WWE 2K22 has a redesigned engine and we have yet to see what changes they've made but the formula will still probably be the same: click a button and perform a move. Maybe if controls were a bit more creative and allowed for more counters and variations it could make the matches more dynamic. I'm getting ahead of myself, but the possibilities are mouth-watering with such a great team behind this game.

By far the greatest and most refreshing thing about all of this is their complete transparency when it comes to how the game is going and sharing everything from mocap sessions to technical demos. Seriously go and check them out on Twitter or on their YouTube channel and see for yourself. There's a video showing some highlights down below!

Remember to Follow The Code, and follow for more updates!

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