The following is the full list of all the brand new Finishers and Moves animations added in WWE 2K18.
Note that the list does not include DLC or any moves that cannot be used as Signatures (for example Outside Dives or Apron Moves are not included).
UPDATE: List updated to now include also Pre-Order and Deluxe Edition characters moves.
- Achilles Lock 1
- Achilles Lock 2
- Achilles Lock 3
- Afterglow Combo (Naomi's kicks)
- Airplane Spin/TKO
- Angle Slam 1 Pre-Order
- Ankle Lock 4 Pre-Order
- Ankle Lock 5 Pre-Order
- Avalanche Angle Slam Pre-Order
- Arm Wrench Knee Strike
- Arm Wrench Suplex
- Arm Wrench/Arm Breaker 2
- Avalance Attitude Adjustment
- Avalanche Back Body Drop
- Avalanche RKO
- Axe Kick 1
- Axe Kick 2
- Back Suplex Backbreaker
- Back Suplex Powerbomb
- Back/Corkscrew Elbow Combo
- Backbreaker 7
- Backbreakers/Toss Combo
- Backflip/Spinning Heel Kick Deluxe Edition
- Banzai Drop 3
- Barrel Roll Leg Sweep
- Batista Bomb Deluxe Edition
- Belly Stomp 2
- Belly to Back Facebuster
- Belly to Belly 6
- Bicycle Kick 1
- Biel Throw 2
- Biel Throw 3
- Big Boot 14
- Big Boot 17
- Boom Drop 2
- Boston Crab 2
- Buckle Post Backbreaker 1
- Butterfly Lungblower 2
- Butterfly Suplex 2
- Camel Clutch 2
- Camel Clutch 6
- Captain's Hook 1
- Captain's Hook 2 (top rope)
- Charging 450 Splash 1
- Charging 450 Splash 2 (corner variation)
- Chickenwing Snake Eyes
- Choking STO
- Clothesline 17
- Clothesline 18
- Clothesline 21
- Clubbing Forearm Strikes
- Coast to Coast 3
- Corkscrew Axe Kick
- Corkscrew Elbow Smash 2
- Corner Clothesline 2
- Corner Foot Choke 2
- Corner Foot Choke 3
- Corner Running Dropkick 3
- Corner Running Knee Lift
- Corner Spinning Heel Kick
- Corner Trapped Knee Lifts 1
- Corner Trapped Knee Lifts 2
- Corner Trapped Knee Lifts 3
- Corner Trapped Overhand Chops
- Cornered Muay Thai Knee Strikes
- Cutthroat Side Slam
- DDT 2 (Mickie James)
- Deadlift Back Suplex
- Deadlift Powerbomb
- Dirty Deeds 2 (from back position into a schoolboy rollup)
- Discus Clothesline 2
- Discus Clothesline 3
- Diving Body Splash 7
- Diving Crossbody 1
- Diving DDT
- Diving Thrust Kick
- Dr. Teeth
- Eat Defeat
- Eclipse (Ember Moon)
- Elbow Drop Knee Crusher
- Elbows/Running Clothesline Combo
- Emerald Flowsion Deluxe Edition
- End of Heartache
- Face Stomp 3
- Falling Knee Drop
- Fastball Punch
- Feigned Jab
- Fireman's Carry Flapjack
- Fireman's Carry Front Slam 2
- Fireman's Carry Sidewalk Slam
- Fisherman Neckbreaker 2
- Fisherman Suplex 4
- Fisherman Suplex 5
- Fisherman Suplex 6 Deluxe Edition
- Five Knuckle Shuffle 2 Deluxe Edition
- Five Star Frog Slpash Deluxe Edition
- Flying Forearm Smash 2
- Foot Press Head Stomp
- Forearm Drop
- French Kiss
- French Pain
- Front Dropkick 1
- Full Nelson Slam 2
- Full Windsor Knot 1 (Jack Gallagher, no kick)
- Full Windsor Knot 2 (Jack Gallagher, with kick)
- Gallows Pole
- Gamengirl/Cartwheel Moonsault
- German Suplex 6
- German Suplex 10 Pre-Order
- Glorious DDT
- Gore
- Gory Neckbreaker 2
- Hammerlock Leg Sweep
- Handstand Elbow Drop
- Handstand Forearm Smash
- Hanging Dragon Sleeper
- Headbutt 10
- Headlock Punch 1
- Headlock Punch 2
- Heat Seeking Elbow
- Heel Hook Stretch
- Hip Toss Neckbreaker 2
- Hip Toss 8
- Honor Roll 2
- Hurricanrana DDT
- Insult To Injury 2
- Irish Curse Trifecta
- Jumping Clothesline 3
- Jumping Knee Drop 4
- Jumping Knee Strike 6
- Jumping Knee Strike 7
- Jumping Neckbreaker 2
- Knee Drop Ankle Breaker
- Knee Drop Armbreaker
- Knee Drop 14
- Knee Lift/Double Axe Handle
- Knee Lift/Hurricanrana Combo
- Knee Smash/Basement Punch
- Leaping Elbow Smash
- Leg Caught Upkick
- Leg Drop 3
- Leg Hung Shoulder Tackle
- Leg Scissors Monkey Flip
- Leg Sweet Octopus Stretch
- Leg Trapped Ankle Breaker
- Leg Trip & Mounted Punches
- Leg Trip/Roundhouse Combo
- Lumbar Check 2
- Lunar Combo
- Metalik Clutch
- Metalik Driver
- Michinoku Driver 3
- Mick Kick
- Mounted Punches 4
- Mounted Punches 5
- Neckbreaker 12
- Northern Lights Suplex 3 Deluxe Edition
- One Night Stand
- Overhead Belly To Belly 6 Pre-Order
- Package Knee Breaker
- People's Elbow
- Pop-Up Fastball Punch
- Pop-Up Gut Buster
- Pounce 1
- Pounce 2
- Powerbomb 11
- Powerbomb 14 Pre-Order
- Powerbomb/Elbow Drop Combo
- Powerslam 1
- Powerslam 2
- Pressing Gut Stomp
- Rack Attack 2.0
- Rapid Knee Drops 1
- Release German Suplex Pre-Order
- The Realest Combination
- Rear Superkick
- Rebound Gut Punch
- Release Back Suplex
- Reverse Chokeslam 1
- Reverse Chokeslam 2
- Rings of Saturn 1 (from a fireman's carry position, thrown down)
- Rings of Saturn 2
- Ripcord Knee Strike 1
- Ripcord Knee Strike 2
- Roll-Through Boston Crab
- Rolling Cutter 2
- Rolling Elbow 3
- Rolling Fireman's Carry 3
- Rolling The Dice
- Rolling Thunder Frog Splash
- Roode Bomb
- Running Crossbody 7
- Running Crossbody 8
- Running Double Axe Handle 3
- Running Dropkick 2
- Running Elbow Drop 3
- Running Enzuigiri
- Running Haymaker
- Running Hip Drop
- Running Hurricanrana
- Running Knee Strike 5
- Running Legdrop Bulldog
- Running Shin Strike
- Salida del Sol 2
- Sando Slam
- Scottish Sickle
- Shane McMahon Combo
- Shooting Star 2
- Shotgun Dropkick 2
- Shoudler Wrench Arm Drag
- Sicilian Barrage
- Side Headlock Takeover
- Sidewalk Slam 3
- Sister Abigail 4
- Sit-Out Chokebomb 2
- Sit-Out Gourdbuster 2
- Sit-Out Piledriver 2
- Sit-Out Powerbomb 4
- Sleeper Slam 2
- Sliced Bread #2
- Sliding Knee Strike
- Slingshot Powerbomb
- Slingshot Splash
- Small Package Driver 2
- Snap German Suplex
- Snap Headbutt
- Snapmare & Corkscrew Roundhouse
- Snapmare & Hesitation Dropkick
- Spear 11
- Spinebuster 20
- Spinebuster 21 Deluxe Edition
- Spinebuster 22
- Spinning Back Kick 2
- Spinning Backbreaker
- Springboard Clothesline 5
- Springboard Elbow Drop 2
- Standing Moonsault 4
- Standing Switch Gutbuster
- Step-Up Heel Kick
- STF 3 Deluxe Edition
- STF 4 Deluxe Edition
- Strowman Style Gut Punch
- Stunt Rider Stretch
- Summer Crush
- Superkick 13
- Superkick 14
- Superplex 4
- Suplex Neckbreaker
- Suplex Toss 2
- Swinging Gutbuster 2
- Swinging Side Slam Deluxe Edition
- Taste Of Pain
- Tequila Sunrise 2
- Tilt-A-Whirl Gourdbuster
- Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam
- TJP Combo
- TKO 1
- TKO 2 (to the apron/outside)
- Top Rope Choke 2
- Torture Rack Back Stabber
- Torture Rack 2
- Torture Rack 3
- Torture Rack 4
- Trap Squeeze
- Triangle Choke
- Triangle Dropkick 2
- Triple Rolling Butterfly Suplex
- Tripleta
- Two-Hand Chop
- Ulster Plantation
- Upside Down Frown
- Venus Fly-Trap
- Wasteland/Senton Combo
- Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker
- Wrist Clutch Armbreaker
- Wrist Clutch Pumphandle Suplex
- Wristlock Headbutts
- Wristlock Springboard Dropkick
- Yakuza Kick
Thanks to: Reddit user gregSinatra