- Event Type TV Show (Main)
- Day of Broadcast Thursday - Monday Night
- Network Spike TV
- Running Time 2 hours
- Theme Song "Change Me" by Trae Vedder
TNA Impact! 2010 Results
Impact #288: 4 January 2010 - TNA Impact! Live
- 8-Way Steel Asylum Match: Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Kiyoshi vs. Homicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide vs. Amazing Red ends in a No Contest
- TNA Knockouts Championship: ODB defeats Tara (c) to win the title
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Awesome Kong & Hamada defeat Sarita & Taylor Wilde (c) to win the titles
- Matt Morgan & Hernandez defeat Raven & Dr. Stevie
- D'Angelo Dinero defeats Desmond Wolfe
- Samoa Joe defeats Abyss
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Kurt Angle to retain the title
Impact #289: 14 January 2010
- Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)
- Awesome Kong & Hamada defeat The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne)
- Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) defeat Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed)
- Matt Morgan & Hernandez defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) via DQ
- Desmond Wolfe defeats Samoa Joe
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Tomko to retain the title
Impact #290: 21 January 2010
- TNA World Tag Team Championship: Matt Morgan & Hernandez (c) defeat The British Invasion (Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus) to retain the titles
- Orlando Jordan defeats D'Angelo Dinero
- Angelina Love defeats Madison Rayne
- The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) defeat World Elite (Kevin Nash & Eric Young)
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Kurt Angle to retain the title
Impact #291: 28 January 2010
- 8 Card Stud Tournament - Qualifying Match: Desmond Wolfe defeats Sean Morley
- 8 Card Stud Tournament - Qualifying Match: Hernandez defeats Daniels
- The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich) defeat Awesome Kong, Hamada & Tara
- Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) & Brian Kendrick defeat Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) & Amazing Red
- TNA X Division Championship: Doug Williams defeats Amazing Red (c) to win the title
- Mr. Anderson defeats Jeff Jarrett
Impact #292: 4 February 2010
- 8 Card Stud Tournament - Qualifying Match: Mr. Anderson defeats Brutus Magnus
- TNA World Tag Team Championship: Matt Morgan & Hernandez (c) defeat Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) to retain the titles
- Samoa Joe defeats Jesse Neal
- D'Angelo Dinero defeats A.J. Styles
- 8 Card Stud Tournament - Qualifying Match: Kurt Angle defeats Tomko
- TNA Knockouts Championship: Tara (c) defeats Angelina Love to retain the title
- No DQ Match: Kevin Nash defeats Mick Foley
Impact #293: 11 February 2010
- 8 Card Stud Tournament - Qualifying Match: D'Angelo Dinero defeats Orlando Jordan
- 8 Card Stud Tournament - Qualifying Match: Matt Morgan defeats Suicide
- TNA X Division Championship: Doug Williams (c) defeats Amazing Red to retain the title
- 3-on-2 Handicap Match: The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich) defeat Tara & Angelina Love
- Kurt Angle & Mr. Anderson defeat Desmond Wolfe & Hernandez
Impact #294: 18 February 2010
- Tara defeats Daffney via DQ
- Orlando Jordan defeats Samoa Joe
- Kazarian, Amazing Red & Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) defeat Doug Williams, Brian Kendrick & Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)
- Abyss vs. Jeff Jarrett ends in a No Contest
- Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat The British Invasion (Rob Terry & Brutus Magnus)
- Kurt Angle defeats Daniels
Impact #295: 25 February 2010
- Tables Match: Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) defeat The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)
- ODB defeats Daffney via DQ
- #1 Contender (TNA X Division Championship): Kazarian defeats Brian Kendrick
- TNA Global Championship: Rob Terry (c) defeats Mr. Anderson to retain the title
- Abyss defeats Desmond Wolfe
Impact #296: 4 March 2010
- 4-Way Match: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Matt Morgan & Hernandez, Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) and Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck)
- Falls Count Anywhere Match: Sean Morley defeats Jeff Jarrett
- Rob Terry defeats Doug Williams
- Jeff Jarrett defeats Tomko
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship 4-Way Match: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Desmond Wolfe, D'Angelo Dinero and Abyss to retain the title
Impact #297: 8 March 2010 - Impact! moves to Monday
- TNA X Division Championship Triple Threat Match: Doug Williams (c) defeats Kazarian and Daniels to retain the title
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne) defeat Sarita & Taylor Wilde to win the vacant titles
- Rob Van Dam defeats Sting
- Eric Young defeats Syxx-Pac
- 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Jeff Jarrett (Special referee: Mick Foley)
- No DQ Match: Abyss & Hulk Hogan defeat A.J. Styles & Ric Flair
Impact #298: 15 March 2010
- The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) & Jimmy Hart defeat Team 3D (Brother Ray, Brother Devon & Brother Runt)
- D'Angelo Dinero & Kurt Angle defeat Mr. Anderson & Desmond Wolfe
- $25.000 5-Minutes Challenge: Scott Hall defeats Kevin Nash
- 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Hernandez (Special referee: Jeff Jarrett)
- Jeff Hardy defeats A.J. Styles (Special enforcer: Abyss)
Impact #299: 22 March 2010
- The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich) & Daffney defeat Tara, Angelina Love, Sarita & Taylor Wilde
- TNA Global Championship: Rob Terry (c) defeats Tomko to retain the title
- "Loser is fired" No DQ Match: Jeff Jarrett defeats Mick Foley
- Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez ends in a No Contest
- Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)
Impact #300: 29 March 2010
- Shannon Moore & Kazarian defeat Brian Kendrick & Doug Williams
- TNA Knockouts Championship First Blood Match: Tara (c) defeats Daffney to retain the title
- A.J. Styles defeats Jeff Jarrett
- 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Jay Lethal defeats Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)
- Desmond Wolfe defeats D'Angelo Dinero
- Steel Cage Match: Eric Young, Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam defeat The Band (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Syxx Pac)
Impact #301: 5 April 2010
- Rob Van Dam defeats James Storm
- TNA Global Championship: Rob Terry (c) defeats Homicide to retain the title
- Lock Box Showdown Elimination Match: Winners Tara [Poison], Daffney [Stiptease], Velvet Sky [Open Match] and Angelina Love [TNA Knockouts Championship]. Match: Tara, ODB, Angelina Love & Hamada vs. The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich) & Daffney
- Key Ladder Match: Mr. Anderson defeats Kurt Angle
- #1 Contenders (TNA World Tag Team Championship): Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) vs. Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) ends in a No Contest
- 2-on-1 Handicap Gauntlet Match: Douglas Williams defeats Generation Me (Jeremy & Max Buck)
- D'Angelo Dinero defeats Desmond Wolfe
Impact #302: 12 April 2010
- NYC Street Fight: The Band (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Syxx Pac) defeat Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) & Jesse Neal
- Shannon Moore vs. Kazarian ends in a Draw via Time Limit
- "Angelina is handcuffed" Leather & Lace "I Quit" Match: Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky ends in a No Contest
- TNA World Tag Team Championship: Matt Morgan (c) & Amazing Red defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) to retain the titles
- Jeff Hardy defeats Robert Roode
- A.J. Styles vs. D'Angelo Dinero ends in a No Contest
Impact #303: 19 April 2010
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich) (c) defeat Daffney & ODB to retain the titles
- #1 Contender (TNA World Heavyweight Championship): Rob Van Dam defeats Jeff Hardy
- "Lethal Lockdown Rematch": Team Hogan (Abyss, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Terry & Samoa Joe) defeat Team Flair (Desmond Wolfe, Sting & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm))
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats A.J. Styles (c) to win the title
Impact #304: 26 April 2010
- TNA Knockouts Championship Triple Threat Match: Madison Rayne (c) defeats Angelina Love and Tara to retain the title
- TNA X Division Championship: Kazarian (c) defeats Shannon Moore to retain the title
- Falls Count Anywhere Match: Sting & A.J. Styles defeat Jeff Jarrett & Jeff Hardy
- TNA World Tag Team Championship: Matt Morgan (c) & Jesse Neal vs. Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) ends in a No Contest; Morgan retains the titles
- "Flair's Hall of Fame ring on the line": Abyss defeats Ric Flair
Impact #305: 3 May 2010
- Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat Brian Kendrick & Douglas Williams
- TNA Knockouts Championship & TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: The Beautiful People Madison Rayne (c) [Knockouts], Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich (c) [Tag]) defeat Tara, Taylor Wilde & Sarita to retain the titles
- Triple Threat Match: Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) and Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) via DQ
- Monster’s Ball Match: A.J. Styles defeats Abyss
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Rob Van Dam (c) defeats Desmond Wolfe to retain the title
Impact #306: 13 May 2010 - Impact! moves to Thursday
- Tara defeats Taylor Wilde
- Brian Kendrick defeats Douglas Williams
- TNA World Tag Team Championship 2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Band (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) defeat Matt Morgan (c) to win the titles
- TNA World Tag Team Championship 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Matt Morgan (c) vs. Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) ends in a No Contest; Morgan retains the titles
- 4-Way Match: Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley), Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) and Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)
- "If Jordan loses he leaves TNA" Open Challenge: Orlando Jordan defeats Tomko
- Tara defeats Sarita
- Triple Threat Match: A.J. Styles defeats Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy
Impact #307: 20 May 2010
- Roxxi defeats Madison Rayne
- Orlando Jordan vs. Rob Terry ends in a No Contest
- Rob Van Dam & Jay Lethal defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)
- Eric Young defeats Shannon Moore
- Battle Royal: Winner Kazarian. Participants: Kazarian, Homicide, Amazing Red, Brian Kendrick, Max Buck, Jeremy Buck, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley
- Jeff Hardy defeats Sting
Impact #308: 27 May 2010
- Triple Threat Match: Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat The Band (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash) and Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon)
- Kazarian defeats Jay Lethal
- Abyss defeats Orlando Jordan via DQ
- The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich) defeat Sarita & Taylor Wilde
- Desmond Wolfe defeats Jeff Hardy
- A.J. Styles defeats Mr. Anderson
Impact #309: 3 June 2010
- Sting vs. Samoa Joe ends in a No Contest
- Roxxi defeats Rosie Lotta Love
- Triple Threat Match: Jay Lethal defeats A.J. Styles and Kazarian
- Jeff Hardy defeats James Storm
- Robert Roode defeats Mr. Anderson
- Rob Terry & Abyss defeat Desmond Wolfe & Orlando Jordan
- 4-Way Match: Rob Van Dam defeats Matt Morgan, Sting and Samoa Joe
Impact #310: 10 June 2010
- Brian Kendrick defeats Homicide
- TNA World Tag Team Championship 2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Band (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) (c) defeat Matt Morgan to retain the titles
- Kurt Angle defeats Amazing Red
- A.J. Styles, Desmond Wolfe & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Jay Lethal, Abyss, Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy
Impact #311: 17 June 2010
- #1 Contenders (TNA World Tag Team Championship) Tournament - Semifinal: Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat The Band (Kevin Nash & Eric Young)
- Samoa Joe defeats Hernandez
- Douglas Williams defeats Max Buck
- #1 Contenders (TNA World Tag Team Championship) Tournament - Semifinal: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon)
- Jay Lethal defeats Desmond Wolfe
- #1 Contender (TNA World Heavyweight Championship) Triple Threat Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Abyss ends in a No Contest via Triple Count-out
Impact #312: 24 June 2010
- Velvet Sky defeats Angelina Love via DQ
- Jay Lethal defeats Kazarian
- Kurt Angle defeats Desmond Wolfe
- #1 Contenders (TNA World Tag Team Championship) Tournament - Final: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal)
- Falls Count Anywhere Match: Abyss defeats Mr. Anderson
Impact #313: 1 July 2010
- Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) defeat Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal)
- Samoa Joe defeats A.J. Styles
- Submission Match: Brian Kendrick defeats Desmond Wolfe
- Jay Lethal defeats Matt Morgan
- Madison Rayne defeats Taylor Wilde
- Jeff Hardy defeats Abyss (Special referee: Rob Van Dam)
Impact #314: 8 July 2010
- A.J. Styles vs. Kazarian ends in a No Contest via Double Count-out
- Angelina Love defeats Daffney
- Rob Van Dam defeats Samoa Joe
- Ladder Match: Jeremy Buck defeats Douglas Williams
- Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) & Matt Morgan defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) & Hernandez
- Jeff Hardy defeats Mr. Anderson
Impact #315: 15 July 2010
- Street Fight: Sarita defeats Taylor Wilde
- "I Quit" Match: Brian Kendrick defeats Douglas Williams
- Triple Threat Match: Samoa Joe defeats Desmond Wolfe and Rob Terry
- TNA World Tag Team Championship Best of 5 Series - Match 1 Ladder Match: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c) [1-0]
- D'Angelo Dinero defeats Matt Morgan
- Jeff Hardy defeats Jay Lethal
Impact #316: 22 July 2010
- TNA Global Championship: A.J. Styles defeats Rob Terry (c) to win the title
- Angelina Love & Taylor Wilde defeat Madison Rayne & Sarita
- Kurt Angle defeats Hernandez
- Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy ends in a Draw
- Mr. Anderson defeats Matt Morgan
- TNA World Tag Team Championship Best of 5 Series - Match 2 Anything Goes Street Fight: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c) [2-0]
Impact #317: 29 July 2010
- #1 Contender (TNA Knockouts Championship): Angelina Love defeats Sarita
- Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat Orlando Jordan & Eric Young
- TNA World Tag Team Championship Best of 5 Series - Match 3 Steel Cage Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c) defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) [1-2]
- Rob Terry defeats Kazarian
- 3-on-2 Handicap Match: The Enigmatic Assholes (Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson) defeat Matt Morgan, Gunner & Murphy
- Hardcore Match: Abyss defeats Tommy Dreamer
Impact #318: 5 August 2010
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Hamada & Taylor Wilde defeat The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich) (c) to win the titles
- TNA Television Championship: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Rob Terry to retain the title
- TNA World Tag Team Championship Best of 5 Series - Match 4 Ultimate X Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c) defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) [2-2]
- D'Angelo Dinero defeats Orlando Jordan
- Street Fight: Ric Flair defeats Jay Lethal
- Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer defeat Abyss & Raven
Impact #319: 12 August 2010 - "The Whole F'N Show"
- Kurt Angle defeats A.J. Styles
- TNA Knockouts Championship: Angelina Love defeats Madison Rayne (c) to win the title
- Triple Threat Match: Matt Morgan defeats Mr. Anderson and D'Angelo Dinero
- Jeff Hardy defeats Shannon Moore
- TNA World Tag Team Championship Best of 5 Series - Match 5 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c) defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) [2-1 Match; 3-2 Series] to retain the titles
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship Stairway to Janice Match: Rob Van Dam (c) defeats Abyss to retain the title (Special referee: Eric Bischoff)
Impact #320: 19 August 2010
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Round 1: Jeff Hardy defeats Rob Terry
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Round 1: Mr. Anderson defeats Jay Lethal
- TNA Knockouts Championship: Angelina Love (c) defeats Madison Rayne to retain the title
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Round 1: Kurt Angle defeats Douglas Williams
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Round 1: D’Angelo Dinero defeats Matt Morgan
- A.J. Styles defeats Tommy Dreamer
Impact #321: 26 August 2010
- Samoa Joe defeats Orlando Jordan
- Kevin Nash defeats Jeff Jarrett
- Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat The F.B.I. (Little Guido & Tony Luke)
- Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) defeat Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck)
- Kurt Angle, Mr.Anderson, Jeff Hardy & D'Angelo Dinero defeat Fortune (A.J. Styles, Kazarian, Douglas Williams & Matt Morgan)
Impact #322: 2 September 2010
- The Beautiful People (Madison Rayne & Tara) defeat The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Angelina Love)
- Stevie Richards defeats Abyss
- Sting defeats Jeff Jarrett
- Elimination Match: Fortune (A.J. Styles, Kazarian & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)) defeat EV 2.0 (Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino & Brian Kendrick)
- Mr. Anderson & D'Angelo Dinero defeat Kurt Angle & Jeff Hardy
Impact #323: 16 September 2010
- Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe ends in a No Contest via Double Count-out
- TNA X Division Championship: Jay Lethal defeats Douglas Williams (c) to win the title
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Hamada & Taylor Wilde (c) defeat The Beautiful People (Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich) to retain the titles
- Brian Kendrick defeats Matt Morgan
- #1 Contender (TNA World Heavyweight Championship): Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy ends in a Draw via Double Pinfall
Impact #324: 23 September 2010
- Rob Terry defeats Abyss via DQ
- Chris Sabin defeats Jeremy Buck
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Hamada & Taylor Wilde (c) defeat The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich) to retain the titles
- Samoa Joe defeats D'Angelo Dinero
- Lethal Lockdown Advantage Ladder Match: A.J. Styles defeats Sabu
Impact #325: 30 September 2010
- Lumberjack Match: EV 2.0 (Tommy Dreamer & Rhino) defeat Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)
- Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) defeat Ink Inc.
- Mr. Anderson defeats Samoa Joe
- TNA Television Championship: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Brian Kendrick to retain the title
- Steel Cage Match: Kurt Angle vs. Abyss ends in a No Contest
Impact #326: 7 October 2010 - "Before the Glory"
- "Beautiful People name on the line": The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Angelina Love) defeat The Beautiful People (Madison Rayne & Tara)
- Last Man Standing Match: Mick Foley defeats Ric Flair
- Orlando Jordan & Eric Young defeat Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal)
- $100.000 Gauntlet Battle Royal: Winner Kurt Angle. Participants: Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, A.J. Styles, Max Buck, Chris Sabin, Sabu, Douglas Williams, Tommy Dreamer, Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, D’Angelo Dinero, Sting, Raven, Jeremy Buck, Stevie Richards, Abyss, Kevin Nash, Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe, James Storm, Alex Shelley, Rhino, Robert Roode, Rob Van Dam
Impact #327: 14 October 2010
- TNA Knockouts Championship: Madison Rayne defeats Tara (c) to win the title
- Samoa Joe defeats Abyss via DQ
- 5-on-1 Handicap Match: Fortune (Douglas Williams, Kazarian, A.J. Styles & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)) defeat D'Angelo Dinero
- #1 Contender (TNA World Heavyweight Championship): Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam ends in a No Contest
Impact #328: 21 October 2010
- Robbie E defeats Amazing Red
- TNA Television Championship Street Fight: A.J. Styles (c) defeats D'Angelo Dinero to retain the title
- Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) defeat EV 2.0 (Rob Van Dam & Sabu)
- Mickie James defeats Sarita
- Ultimate X Match: Kazarian defeats Mr. Anderson
Impact #329: 28 October 2010
- "If Robbie E wins he becomes #1 Contender (TNA X Division Championship)" Jersey Shore Street Fight: Robbie E defeats Jay Lethal
- Madison Rayne, Tara & Sarita defeat The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Mickie James
- TNA World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) defeat Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) and Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) to retain the titles
- Fortune (A.J. Styles & Douglas Williams) defeat EV 2.0 (Rob Van Dam & Raven)
- Chain Match: Jeff Jarrett defeats Mr. Anderson
Impact #330: 4 November 2010
- Sarita defeats Velvet Sky
- Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) & Mickie James defeat Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck) & Tara
- TNA Television Championship Triple Threat Match: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Rob Van Dam and Rhino to retain the title
- Kazarian defeats Douglas Williams
- Abyss vs. D'Angelo Dinero ends in a No Contest
- Matt Morgan defeats Eric Bischoff
Impact #331: 11 November 2010
- Robbie E & Cookie defeat Jay Lethal & Taylor Wilde
- 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Samoa Joe defeats Gunner & Murphy
- "If Van Dam wins he becomes #1 Contender (TNA World Heavyweight Championship)": Kazarian defeats Rob Van Dam
- TNA Television Championship: A.J. Styles (c) defeats Stevie Richards to retain the title
- "If Morgan wins he becomes #1 Contender (TNA World Heavyweight Championship)" 3-on-1 Handicap Match: Matt Morgan defeats Fortune (Douglas Williams & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm))
Impact #332: 18 November 2010
- Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck), Robbie E & Cookie defeat Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley), Jay Lethal & Velvet Sky
- Submission Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe ends in a No Contest
- "If Raven loses he is fired": Jeff Hardy defeats Raven
- Casket Match: Abyss vs. Shannon Moore ends in a No Contest
- #1 Contender (TNA Knockouts Championship): Mickie James defeats Angelina Love
- "Morgan's title shot on the line": Matt Morgan defeats Ric Flair
Impact #333: 25 November 2010
- Street Fight: Tommy Dreamer defeats Rhino
- Sarita defeats Madison Rayne
- MMA Competition: Jeff Jarrett defeats Jesse Neal
- Elimination Match: Douglas Williams, D'Angelo Dinero, Samoa Joe & Matt Morgan vs. Fortune (A.J. Styles, Kazarian & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)) ends in a No Contest
Impact #334: 2 December 2010
- 4-Way Match: Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm), Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) and Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck)
- Douglas Williams defeats Kazarian
- Triple Threat Match: Sarita defeats Angelina Love and Madison Rayne
- Matt Morgan defeats Rhino
- Immortal (Abyss & Jeff Jarrett) vs. D'Angelo Dinero & Samoa Joe ends in a No Contest
Impact #335: 9 December 2010
- Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) defeat Brother Ray & Fake Brother Devon
- Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) defeat Gunner & Murphy via DQ
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament - Semifinal: The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) defeat Daffney & Sarita
- TNA Television Championship: Douglas Williams (c) defeats Abyss to retain the title
- "Double J" MMA Challenge: Jeff Jarrett defeats Mike Cruz
- Steel Cage Match: Mickie James defeats Tara
Impact #336: 16 December 2010
- TNA X Division Championship: Jay Lethal defeats Robbie E (c) to win the title
- Eric Young & Orlando Jordan defeat Generation Me (Max & Jeremy Buck)
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament - Semifinal: Madison Rayne & Tara defeat Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher
- Bully Ray defeats Amazing Red
- Rob Van Dam defeats Rob Terry
- "Double J" MMA Challenge: Jeff Jarrett defeats Jay Rios
- Immortal (Kazarian & Jeff Hardy) defeat Matt Morgan & Mr.Anderson
Impact #337: 23 December 2010
- "Double J" MMA Challenge: Jeff Jarrett defeats Amazing Red
- #1 Contender (TNA X Division Championship) 4-Way Match: Kazarian defeats Robbie E, Max Buck and Jeremy Buck
- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament - Final: Angelina Love & Winter defeat Madison Rayne & Tara to win the vacant titles
- TNA Television Championship 20-Minutes Iron Man Match: Douglas Williams (c) vs. A.J. Styles ends in a Draw [1-1]; Williams retains the title
- TNA World Tag Team Championship: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) (c), Matt Morgan & Rob Van Dam defeat Immortal (Abyss, Jeff Hardy & Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)); Guns retain the titles
Impact #338: 30 December 2010
- Robert Roode defeats Chris Sabin
- Rob Van Dam defeats Robbie E
- Strap Match: Sarita defeats Velvey Sky
- "Double J" MMA Challenge: Jeff Jarrett vs. Little Red ends in a No Contest
- Immortal (A.J. Styles & Rob Terry) defeat Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus
- Matt Morgan & Brother Devon defeat Mr. Anderson & Bully Ray